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“You’ve got to cut your cords with that city. The one where you fell in love with your husband, gave birth to your first baby, decorated your first home. Otherwise there’s no life for you here, at every step, every corner, the city you left behind will follow you.” She started to cry, we hugged. Her Chakra Bliss Healing session had just ended and as my hands hovered over the crystals I placed on her body, getting as hot as coals, and as I asked her and my soul helpers to bless, heal, love, and renew the both of us, these words came into my inner space and they dropped out of my mouth as soon as the session ended: “Cut the cords with that city”.

Just like the way you cut your cord when you came out of your mommy’s womb. Just like that first threshold, when you stepped out of the known water into the unknown air, going into a place where you didn’t know if you would be nourished, taken care of, a place where you didn’t know if everything was going to be alright. Even before you knew what being fearful meant, you trusted that someone will hold you, and instinctively knew that the universe will always and always be your sweet smelling mother hugging you into her chest.

Blessing what is and what was. Thanking them for what they taught you, for all the experiences they gave you and how they contributed to your today. Offering flowers to the past, bowing thankfully, washing it with light. Wishing it happiness, blessings and love. Saying “Thank you. I bless you. I release you.” to all the people, places, events, cities, and emotions in your life. Saying “Goodbye” to what needs to go and “Hello” to what needs to come.

Our unhappiness stories are a great many: 

  • I wish I was there, not here. This is not my ideal place to live.
  • I wish you weren’t like this. You are different than the ideal in my head.
  • I wish I wasn’t like this. I am far from my ideal self.
  • I wish things weren’t like this.
  • I didn’t come to this city, this job, this relationship at the right time and under the conditions I hoped for.
  • My family, my past, my work life, my finances aren’t how I want them to be.
  • I am not the problem, it is my conditions and the people around me.
  • I am the problem. I can never make it to my ideals.
  • If I get this promotion, buy this dress, drop this much weight, finish this school and then this master’s degree, find someone like this to be with, get pregnant right at this time, have a child that is just like this and that, buy a house in this neighborhood, etc. etc. THEN I will be super happy.

Close your eyes. You are an infinite being. You are a light that holds unimaginable happiness, love, and soul journeys inside. Everything else is an illusion. Everything else is a city to leave behind whose only purpose was to bring you to this magical moment. Take a stroll in this city, place flowers of gratitude at every corner. Thank it for all that it taught you and how it made you you. Then slowly, gently untie the cord between you and the city.

At the point where you leave all the cords behind, you are the precious love child of the universe. Everything is as it should be. Everything is ONLY of light and love. 

With love and light,


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