The purpose of spiritual development and inquiry is only one thing: inspired action. Inspired action happens when you are aligned with your soul in your body and mind. The opposite is simply reaction where we follow the trail of our wounds and reenact them over and over again.

The reaction is the place of suffering and pain. It is where you hurt and you are most likely to hurt others. During a reaction, the emotions run high and there is a sense of things not being right. This is the place where your needs are desperately screaming to be met.

The inspired action is when you are acting from an impetus that feels authentic, unique and truthful. You are not acting out of a desperation, retaliation or righteousness. You are acting from a place of calm knowing that your needs are already met.

Going from reaction to an inspired action is a lifetime journey that starts with accepting that you are responsible for taking care of yourself. This life, this heart that beats inside of you really needs you to be present. Can you give yourself the time, attention and the care that you deserve? Can you be with yourself with an immeasurable compassion to identify what your needs are during a reactive state? Can you then be responsible for taking action to take care of those needs?

Over time, your care helps you develop a sense of presence and the space to take more and more inspired actions. When your needs are met, it becomes easier to listen to your partner, your child, your own body. It becomes easier to say the right words, do the right things or sometimes not say anything or do anything at all. When your sea is calm you can bear witness to the storm around you with the awe of a Goddess. Every raindrop becomes something amazing to watch and be with because you have cleared the lens of your camera.

During reactive times when your emotions are running high, just take note of this: you have a need that is asking you to be heard and it is just the right time for you to stop and listen to it.

Here are a few ways for you to work with what you need and awaken inspired action in your life. To work deeply on your energetic wounds that are keeping you in a reactive state, consider working with me privately. All of my offerings are available as in-person sessions in my home studio in Durham, NH or over Skype or phone.

  • Sound Balancing: A revolutionary method that detects the disturbances in your energy field and corrects them with the help of the purifying tones of the tuning forks. Through sound balancing, it is possible to detect and re-balance energetic wounds in your field that result in changes and release in your physical system. (Appointments begin after May 19th)
  • Chakra Bliss HealingA blissful crystal chakra energy healing with your chakra measurement, assessment, chakra balance recommendations and personal intuitive messages for each chakra.
  • ConsultOne on one meetings for bliss and transformation. We focus on one area and create a plan to change your relationship with anything that is between you and a blissful life. With personalized chakra, crystal and mantra guidance, intuitively channeled messages, distance healing, and practices you can add to your life right away, you can embark on a journey of bliss.

Please contact me to book your session or if you have any questions.

With love and light,


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