Mantra Dance

Exploring the primal origins of sound making and intentional embodiment

Beyond all our karma and dualities is the dance of life, the dance of our unified field, the dance of our vibration. Mantra Dance is all about integrating all parts of you into your vibration, and becoming the mantra through dance, sensation, embodiment and exploration. Each dance is a unique journey of unfolding, clarifying and creation.

This is an invitation to dance with your soul. Because we all need to call forth what we have pushed aside, desensitized or forgotten. Mantra Dance will allow you to salute and unite with the ‘other in you’, all parts of you as reflected in your own being and in everything around you.

In this 1.5 hour workshop, Damla Aktekin will walk you through combining the rhythm with sensation, enhancing your vibration with mantra, and becoming the vibration of our unified truth, our unified love.

It’s time to do a mantra dance and it’s time to be the mantra.

Pre-registration required. Open to 20 light makers. $15/person. Minimum 5 participants.

For the next date and time please visit this page.