Sound Balancing is a revolutionary method that detects the disturbances in your energy field and corrects them with the help of the purifying tones of the tuning forks. With this Biofield Tuning method developed by Eileen Mckusick, it is possible to rebalance the source of your energetic wounds without the need to delve into them.

The energy field around our bodies is like the rings of a tree. About six feet out from our physical bodies is our birth, then a little closer to the body is our childhood, a little closer is teenage years, and then comes adulthood. As these rings of time come closer and closer into the body, we arrive at the present moment: our physical bodies. A trauma causes an energetic disturbance in these rings of time, that carry its effects through our energy system right into our physical bodies. Thus, focusing just on the physical body for an energetic resolution is not enough. Through sound balancing, it is possible to detect and re-balance energetic wounds in your field that result in changes and release in your physical system.

Please note that Sound Balancing is contraindicated (not recommended) if you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant, have a pacemaker, or have had a concussion in the last six months. If you have an acute condition or an ongoing health concern, please contact Damla to discuss whether Sound Balancing might be right for you.

Pre-registration is required. Open to 20 participants. 5 registrants needed to run the workshop.

Click here for workshop dates and locations


“The experience was wonderful. I felt relaxed and open during the healing. I was surprised that I was open to the whole experience and the “pouring out” feeling I felt just felt right. I was very calm inside like I had just come from a deep tissue massage or a Reiki session or meditation. The tuning forks really worked! Since I have never experienced them before I wasn’t certain of the outcome. I enjoyed the relaxation I felt and the peaceful feeling I took with me. ”

Pamela Dow


“The experience was very good. I was surprised at how I was able to feel the energy shifts waving from inside the core out. I didn’t expect to feel that much energy movement within a large group. I would recommend Group Sound Balancing to others. It is an affordable way to balance the energy system of the chakras in a gentle way to help shift the emotional and thought patterns in the subconscious to create a lighter center. It helps soften the “reaction” of certain emotional triggers. One thing to note: I did not drink my water like you recommended and about three hours after I felt horrible. Exhausted, cold, whooped ;). I am 99% sure this was because you moved some serious #$%#! I went to bed at 8 and slept for 12 hours and felt MUCH better!”

Wendy Berry