I truly believe that daily healing practices can change your life. Through regular self-healing practices, you become an ally for yourself and your practice becomes the refuge you have been seeking.

I created these journals to support you in your self-healing and evolution journey. Each one is here to unlock a part of you that has been waiting for your home coming. Each one has unique gifts, blessings, and a journey of healing for your enjoyment.

Find out more about my daily practice journals here:

This is a 40-day journey to discover the nectar in your life, a 40-day journey of feeling great-full. With soul inquiries, you will dive deeper into what it means to be filled with the essence and the nectar of love (the stuff you are made of). Being grateful is filling yourself with so much love that everything around you begins to appear to you as love. And you fall in love with the life that is here in you and here for you. But how do you do that? You follow the scent of the sweet nectar of the sun-drenched flowers in your outer life, just like the Goddess Persephone did, right before she was pulled into the darkness of the underworld. And you will feel the pull of the sweetness of the pomegranate seeds and let them touch your lips in the depths of your inner life, just as Persephone did in the depths of the underworld.

Our job in cultivating gratefulness is not just counting and relying on the nectar we find above the ground and under the sun—in our most joyful moments—but diving into all the layers, depths, and seasons of our being to discover the seeds of love, learned and earned wisdom, and the resilience that offer us their juicy fruits at every moment of our being. Our job is to own the height, width, and the depth of our being, and reach for the treasures available to us at every single moment and season of our lives.

Gratitude is a quality of being. It is how you feel when you take the time to appreciate something. It isn’t reserved only for the times when you journal and write about all the good things in your life. However, writing can remind you of what is already here, what needs your appreciative attention, and amplify the sense of feeling grateful. Gratitude is an embodiment of living in appreciation and understanding that every little thing contributing to your life in some way, deserves your loving gaze.

Persephone was not the same person when she came out of the underworld; she had a much more expanded understanding of her world and of herself. That is my wish and dream for you when you come to the end of your journey with this journal.

This is a 40-day journey to discover the nectar or the sweetness in your life in all her forms and seasons and fill your heart with love. With daily questions, you will uncover what seeds and light life is longing to share with you. You will begin to look at life through the eyes of Persephone just after she comes out of the underworld. Just like her, you will begin to deeply enjoy all layers, depths, and seasons of your being.

May your time in the outerworld as well as the underworld be pleasant.

May you know where to look to find the treasures that life, your body, and your soul have hidden for you.

May you fill your heart with so much love and delight that they radiate from you and reach everyone and everything around you in overflowing abundance.

Let’s begin!


Crystals are representations of beauty, nature, geometry, order, and coherence.

They give you a chance to carry nature in your hands and connect with the loving presence of Earth whenever you need to. They are beloved vibrational co-creators who have partnered with humanity throughout all ages.

With this journal, I will walk you through a 21-day crystal healing meditation journey to help you cultivate a loving relationship with crystals, yourself, your soul, soul helpers, and the soul of life.

You will not only learn a wonderful practice but also a way to relate to yourself and your life in a brand new way.

This journal is your chance to step into experiencing crystal healing magic first hand.

Through dedicated journaling prompts, deepening tips and gentle and to the point guidance

, you’ll have a chance to jump right into your crystal healing practice.

With each practice, your connection with your crystals and with yourself will grow.

You will have the chance to gradually release more and more stress, anxiety, worry, and you will receive deeper intuition, guidance, relaxation, and healing.

The goal is not only to help you learn to meditate with crystals; it is to show you that partnering with crystals can help you create a new vibrational reality.


Mantras, words, and sentences are vibrational tools that can enhance your life in ways that you cannot begin to imagine. Mantra practice is repeating a word or sentence out loud or in your mind to invite a chosen vibration into your life. Mantras are tools of the mind that help you safely dive into the endless well that is you and gather what you need. I believe that being peaceful is a journey, one that starts with a decision to brighten your light. Mantra can be a big part of that conscious creation and choosing your positive outlook moment to moment.

With this journal, I invite you to dip your toes into the magic of mantras. What I discovered is that knowing a ton on anything doesn’t mean a thing unless you see, feel, and sense into it for yourself. 40 Days of Shanti (which means peace) is an invitation to do just that.

40 Days of Shanti Mantra Journal is an invitation for you to add peace into your life in whatever area it is needed most. With 40 days of mantra lessons and tips, I will give you a taste of the ancient, powerful, and transformative mantra practice.

With this journal, I will walk you through a 40-day magical journey of adding more peace, calm, and love into your life by dipping your toes into the classical mantra practice. You will not only learn a wonderful practice but also a way to relate to yourself and your life in a brand new way.

This journal is your chance to learn to cultivate peace in your mind, body, and soul anywhere and anytime. In its lovely pages, I will walk you through all aspects of the classical 40-day mantra chanting practice STEP BY STEP with daily tips, lessons, and ways to deepen your practice. 

The nectar, the gift, the ultimate essence of what this journal offers you isn’t finding everlasting peace. It is diving wholeheartedly into a practice, a soul tool, a trusted companion that you can learn to rest and find comfort in.


Mantras of Love Journal is a dotted journal with a different love mantra on each page.

I love writing in journals. I love bringing what is in my heart and soul into the beauty of the empty pages.

I love dotted pages in journals. They don’t limit you like lines or squares, but give you enough structure and emptiness to create your own vision.

I love mantras. They are a chance to choose your vibration at every moment and breathe in the vibrational potentials of the universe. I wrote each of the love mantras in this journal through a soul connection to the stream of unconditional universal love.

This is the journal that you get to fill in, your way. Each page has a love mantra at the top, the rest is all up to you.

Immerse yourself in mantras of love while you write in this journal. You can breathe with the mantras as you journal through these pages. You can also flip through it to find a love mantra for your day.

Write your dreams. Write your stories. Write your to do’s. Know that the vibration of love is present to heal, manifest, support and nourish you on each page.

Make this journal your own, any way that your soul guides you!