I see you, you are exhausted, frustrated, defeated and overwhelmed.
You haven’t received what you needed in a while.
Somehow in the midst of taking care of everyone else’s needs, yours always come last.
When you think of it, you realize that your needs as a child haven’t been met either.
You know that something is missing. Some key ingredients for you to feel whole, thriving and well.
You are at the right place. This is absolutely the right time to tend to your unmet needs and take care of the innocent and beautiful child in you.

In the moments where you feel most lost, how do you take care of your needs?
How do you begin to recognize what you need most and prioritize it?
How do you learn to listen deeply to the needs of your inner child, the needs of your ancestors who live in you and the needs of the cosmos that come to life through you?
How do you work with and release the resistance between you and tending to your needs?
How do you call in the wholeness, ease, support, wellness potentials that already exist for you?
How do you open yourself up to receive all that you need from the universe?
Your unmet needs have been coming up to the surface as:
- Frustration and overwhelm
- Sadness and anxiety
- Depletion and reactiveness
- Tiredness and exhaustion
- Addiction and self-numbing with what doesn’t really fill your well
I created Tending To Your Needs online course to help you jump from struggle to healing.
Whether you realize it or not, you need healing. We all carry energetic wounds from our own lives (and past lives) as well as from our ancestors and the cosmos. It is our responsibility to take care of our needs first so that there can be room for healing those wounds.
My intention is not to anticipate, list and have strategies for each and every need that you might have. Your needs and how you meet them are unique to you. However, I know of some potent tools and effective shifts of perspective that can help you nourish yourself and find better ways to tend to your needs, and thus begin to create pathways and a safe container for long-lasting wholeness and healing. I am sharing all of them in this course and giving you ways to decipher, recognize, name, prioritize and meet all your needs, in your own way.
Tending to your needs is the first step in healing.
In all my years working as an intuitive healer, I have seen woman after woman, man after man, coming to me with different issues and wounding. I’ve discovered that at the heart of all their energetic wounds are unmet needs. It doesn’t matter whether you have a third chakra issue that relates to owning your power or a second chakra issue of suppressed trauma, when it comes down to healing, your first and most important step is recognizing that you have needs and taking action to meet them.
What I also see most often is that we confuse meeting our needs with self-care.
Self-care is a part of meeting your needs but your needs are requirements for living your best life, they are not optional.
This course is for you if:
- You have no idea that you have needs. You are completely overwhelmed by meeting other people’s needs and you don’t have a minute to think about your own needs, let alone meet them.
- You know you have needs but you are not sure how to recognize, name or meet them with or without help.
- You are pretty good with recognizing and naming your needs, even meeting them. But lately, you feel like you are missing something, like there is more to meeting your needs than just getting a massage, going to yoga or meditating. And the same needs keep coming up stronger no matter what you do. You are looking for ways to take care of yourself deeper and better.
Your needs have layers.
You are not a single entity floating through space. You are connected to all life and all layers of time. You have needs from this lifetime and others living in your energy field. You carry the unmet needs of your ancestors, your species and the cosmos. All of these layers of your needs show up in your body and your vibrational field as numbness, stuckness, pain and emotional struggle. The truth is it doesn’t matter how or why your needs exist, what matters is that you take responsibility for them and tend to them daily. In this course, I am teaching you specific tools and meditations to be able to address all layers of your needs whenever you need to.
Your needs matter.
When you take care of your needs, you are being of service not just to yourself but to all your blood and soul tribe. When you tend to your needs, everyone who interacts with you benefits in ways you cannot begin to imagine. Your past, present, and future are points of the same continuum. When you change your now, you change everything.
The resistance is real.
As much as you may intend to tend to your needs, you probably have a part of you that is preventing you from doing that. Knowing that you have needs isn’t enough to tend to them. You need to be able to overcome the resistance and jump into action. In this course, I am teaching you highly effective tools to do that.
You also need to be able to call on the support of the universe. You’ll learn some valuable tools to do that too.
Your needs won’t go away.
The more you ignore them or simply don’t know how to meet them, they’ll get louder and more painfully embodied.
The time to tend to your needs is now.
Making an investment to better understand your needs and tend to all layers of them is a gift that you’ll have with you all your life. It is time for you to not just survive but begin to thrive.
By taking this course, you will:
- Understand what needs are and how they work
- Become an expert on how to read yourself so that you can begin to recognize, name, prioritize and meet your needs with or without help
- Learn to tend to the many layers within your needs
Become a compassionate advocate, self-healer and caretaker for yourself
This course will teach you: I want you to make the most of your life by tending to your needs. Give yourself the gift of: Investing in this course is the first step in prioritizing what you need most.
Here’s what will be covered in this course:
- Let’s Get Started:
- Why do this course and what to expect
- Needs Training:
- What is a need, what types of needs do you have
- What do you do with your needs
- How to work on the resistance to tending to your needs
- Naming & prioritizing your needs
- Self-supporting mantras as first-aid care for your needs
- The Layers of Your Needs:
- What are the layers of your needs
- The relationship between core wounds and core needs
- Taking care of your inner child
- Connecting with your body
- Going Deeper Into Your Needs:
- Going deeper into meeting your needs
- Letting go and just being
- Taking care of your ancestors’ needs
- Invoking your inner wholeness
- Needs Maintenance:
- What’s next?
- How to make meeting your needs a part of your life,
- How to take care of the needs of others,
- How to trust the universe and invoke its support.
Our course tools are:
- Watch & Absorb Class Videos (5 Modules)
- Let’s Get Started (30:40)
- Needs Training (44:44)
- The Layers Of Your Needs (45:04)
- Going Deeper Into Your Needs (17:54)
- Needs Maintenance (40:38)
- Write & Discover Worksheets X 4
- Name & Prioritize Your Needs – Worksheet
- Self Supporting Mantras – Worksheet
- Letting Go Of What You Don’t Need – Worksheet
- Non-Negotiable Needs – Worksheet
- Listen & Breathe Guided Meditations X 3
- Caring For My Inner Child – Meditation (30:11)
- Invoking Your Inner Spirit Animal – Meditation (27:11)
- Quick Daily Check-In – Meditation (11:15)
- Tap Along & Release Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Acupressure) Tapping Meditations X 5
- I am Allowed To Have Needs – EFT Tapping Meditation (29:43)
- I Am Open To Listening – EFT Tapping Meditation (35:07)
- I Am Allowed To ‘Be’ – EFT Tapping Meditation (34:23)
- Ancestral And Cosmic Needs – EFT Tapping Meditation (41:06)
- Invoking The Support Of The Universe – EFT Tapping Meditation (41:14)
- Engage & Dive Deeper FAQs
In short, you will receive over 3.5 hours of training videos and over 4 hours of recorded meditations as well as home-play worksheets to give you all you need to begin to tend to your needs.
By tending to your needs you can achieve
Improved physical health and wellbeing
Better emotional regulation
Better decision making
Presence for yourself and for the people you love
Increased joy and delight for life
Making the most of your life (not just surviving but thriving) depends on tending to your needs.
When is the last time you made you and your needs a priority?
This is the time to take responsibility for your own well-being and invest in you and your needs.
(Course content is worth over $500+)
You will receive an email with access to the course once you submit your payment.
Not ready to invest in your well-being yet?
Download the Quick Daily Check-In meditation to begin to connect with your needs daily.
Photo Credit for title photo and the daily check-in meditation Eye Sugar Photography