I am inspired by all of you who wake up every day and despite the trauma, the stress, difficulties, and bleak news, you take a breath, you put one foot in front of the other and you do your best.
- I am inspired by those of you who live with difficult energetic wounds and don’t even know you have wounds. I was you for the majority of my life.
- I am inspired by those of you who finally realize that you have wounds but don’t know what to do or where to start healing. I was you more than once.
- I am inspired by those of you who are on a healing journey and are committed to using your tools, practices, who are open to new tools and support, who keep making your healing a priority however imperfect your journey may be, and who are healers ready to share the light you create and lighten the load of others as a service. I am you.
I am inspired by you, not just by your wounding but by the way you carry the seeds of your own healing right here in your heart, like a drop of Om.

I am Damla Aktekin. I am an Inner Child Energetic Wound Healer, Crystal Healing Teacher, and Soul Healing Writer who helps other self-healers and healers move beyond the energetic wounds of their inner children and shine brighter than they thought possible so that they can fully show up in their lives to heal themselves, their families and their soul community. I sense, hear and decipher energy fields, chakra states, and assist people in repairing energetic wounds. My only wish as a healer is to be of service to you on your healing journey any way I can.
My story is about losing and finding myself again and again. The most recent one was in 2012 when I became a mom. I completely lost my connection to my body and soul after an emergency C-section surgery. Then something primal came over me urging me to survive and I found a deep connection to my inner light first with the help of mantra practice then with an intuitive chakra healing I devised using crystals (Chakra Bliss Healing), a new way to move that rose out of my need and wish to reconnect with my body (Mantra Dance), and by incorporating powerful healing tools such as Sound Balancing with tuning forks and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) into my life.
In the process, I realized that I can sense and hear the energy vibrations in myself and in those around me regardless of the distance. I interpret these through the chakra symbology to bring clarity to what needs to be seen, heard, understood, released or transformed. I also work with asking and receiving intuitive guidance through inner hearing and seeing. In my private and group work, through moment-to-moment guidance, I am able to navigate the needs of your energy field, bring to light what is asking to be healed, and restore the brilliance of your field helping you to show up to your life in whatever way you need to.
I have been teaching one on one and group classes, leading workshops, and inhaling and exhaling yoga, meditation and healing pretty much the entire time since 2005. I am a 500 hour Yoga Teacher (200 hour YogaWorks, graduated 2009, trained by Chrissy Carter, and 300 hour Rasamaya, graduated 2011, trained by Carrie Tyler), Prenatal Yoga Teacher (trained by Janice Clarfield in 2010), a Reiki Master (1st degree in 2005, 2nd degree in 2006, 3rd degree in 2012), a Biofield Tuning Practitioner (Biofield Tuning Foundation (2017) and Practitioner Certification (2018), trained by Eileen McKusick), Advanced and Professional Tarot Reader (2020), trained by Sheilaa Hite and a Unity Field Healing Practitioner (2021) trained by Dr. John Ryan. I have over 1000 hours of healing, movement, meditation and workshop teaching experience in private sessions and group classes. I now offer private and group healing sessions and workshops in the Seacoast New England area in the US and wherever you are via phone or online connection. Here’s more on my professional journey.
In 2014, I designed and launched my website adropofom.com. The name A Drop of Om came to me in a dream. It is a symbol for our own light and unique vibration (OM) being an important part of the light, vibration and the beauty (OM) of the universe. Fun fact, I grew up in Turkey and my name Damla means a water droplet in Turkish. In 2019, Conversations With Healers Podcast was born. It is a podcast that features intimate, soulful, and cozy conversations with self-healers and healers, all about healing and being and becoming a healer.
What I teach and help people with is based on what I know works. All the tools I offer my private and group clients, from mantras and crystals to tuning forks and EFT Tapping, have been first tested for my own healing, then with volunteers, and finally offered to my clients. I am only comfortable with offering what I know in my heart will make a difference in your healing journey.
Want to learn more about me? I love cats. I love Nutella. I love naps. I love Star Trek (favorite captain of all time Captain Janeway). Read my story.
The healing methods I teach and practice changed my life and they will change yours too.
Here are some folks who lovingly feature my writing
Here are some conversations I had with some amazing space-holders
You can listen to all my guest interviews here.
What’s next?
Find out exactly what your energetic wounds are and how they show up in your life.
Book a free 15-minute video call with me where I can answer your questions about what I offer and we can see if we are right for each other to partner up for your healing.
Photo Credit Eye Sugar Photography