The last few days of the year is a beautiful time to evaluate where you have been and check in with your internal compass to see where you want to go. I want to remind you of a few soul gifts from 2014, gifts that you already have as you step into another fabulous year.
You are stronger, more resilient, more capable, and more beautiful than you realize. I bet you have been tested this year. I bet you thought at times that you won’t make it. Well, you made it! It is time to recognize the beauty, resilience, and the light in that, and bow to the strength in you that you didn’t know you had.
You are your own shaman, your own healer. It is time to take your health and well-being into your own hands. Time to lean into your intuition and take action. Read, investigate, reach out, take time, and do whatever you need to do to become whole. You know you have the gift and the magic to heal yourself.
You are your own lover, guide, and teacher. Everyday, you can choose kindness and love towards yourself and your wounds. Everyday there is at least one thing you can do for yourself. Everyday, you can learn and grow listening to your inner guidance.
Your connections matter. Looking people in the eye matters, taking time off your phone and laptop to be with your cat, dog, lover, kid, neighbor matters. To hear someone else’s laughter and to listen to their crying with your utmost attention is the best gift you can give.
You create light. Everyday, in everything you do, you have the option to create light. You have the choice to stay in the positive, loving, gentle, kind side of things. You have the option to make your world a beautiful place and to share your light with others.
You are loved. Beyond measure.
You matter. Period. End of story.
Have a dream-filled 2015 with over-flowing blessings, health, abundance, joy, laughter, love, and light.
With love and light,