Month: May 2018

On Being A Healer

Here are a few things you should know about me as a Healer and about the process of working with me:

  • I read your vibration. You can tell me how good you feel all you want. As soon as we connect over the phone or you step into my office, I have a sense of where you are in your life. It shows up as a knowing of your chakra states and tells me a lot more than you can tell me with words. Where you are isn’t who you are. Before even meeting you, I will know exactly what chakra blockages and issues you are working with right now.
  • There’s no point in lying or pretending. Your vibration speaks louder than words. I know when you aren’t telling me the truth and when you are circumventing the real issue. In these cases instead of confronting people, I gently direct them towards what needs to be realized. Sometimes this takes one question. Sometimes we need to have three sessions before they will feel safe and brave enough to tell me what’s actually going on.
  • I reflect your wisdom back to you. I will tune into your inner knowing and wisdom and translate your highest vibrational guidance back to you. Meaning the wisdom, the guidance comes from you (not me) and I am a translator for your inner knowing.
  • I hear clear guidance when I ask. It means that the vibration of your system and the guidance from your highest vibrational guides and helpers are translated into words in my system. In other words, I hear guidance to specific questions I ask or sometimes it simply drops into me as I am listening to your system or you may be talking about something and I will be hearing something contradictory or seemingly unrelated to what you are saying. Another way this happens is through bodily sensations.
  • I am not telling you everything I hear. Every single thing I hear as a guidance passes through my internal election mechanism. At any given time I am only sharing about 40 to 50% of what I am hearing. Sometimes it isn’t the right time for you to hear something. Sometimes it isn’t helpful. Sometimes it would get you out of your body and into your mind. I refer to guidance more often than you can imagine to filter out what’s unnecessary and give you only that which you need to hear.
  • It is not my job to heal everybody and I don’t offer unsolicited advice. For me to work with your energy field, your consent is required. The moment you make an appointment with me or register for a group event you are giving me your consent. Occasionally I do check on people around me when I am in a Cafe (mostly happens automatically) or when I am with family or friends to make sure that they are OK, but unless someone specifically asks me, I won’t let them know what I am reading or any messages I might be getting. Your free will is the most important shield you will ever need. Most people aren’t ready to dig up old wounds or to embark on a healing journey. It is not my job to discern that, it is yours. I do hold the intention of healing energy to work through me anyway it can and send loving kindness to everyone I come into contact with. But diving into what needs to be healed has to be your decision.
  • I don’t work for you. I work for your soul and the souls of all beings everywhere, and the life-affirming, life-supporting energy of the universe. You may ask me to work on your throat chakra, but your soul and energy system may tell me to start with your second. In that case, I will work on your second chakra.
  • I hold you in healing light. There are times when I am not given a specific guidance because it may be too complex or too many layers may be involved. In those times, I am guided to hold you in the life-giving, life-affirming healing light of the universe. I leave it up to the intelligence of this source energy to know how to work and where to work. I am often asked if I get tired after healing sessions. The answer is a big no. Because the healing light isn’t coming from me personally, I am a channel and space-holder for it. And the truth is as I channel this intelligent source energy, I am basked in it too, which is a wonderful gift. There are multiple ways that this energy works through me. I may be looking at you and it flows towards you from my eyes. It may flow through my hands. It may flow through my words written or spoken out loud. It may flow through the tuning forks. Lately, I am finding that it has a mind of its own and likes to flow in and through my entire body when it is needed.
  • When it comes to healing, there is no straight line. We may get to the truth and the wisdom you need quickly. Or we may get there in three months. Healing is a non-linear, multi-dimensional, magical, extraordinary journey. You and your soul are in charge of how much and in what way the energy will work for you in establishing new life-supporting pathways.
  • How you start out with me will not be how you leave. Through seeing what needs to be seen, heard and understood, and through getting in touch with your inner wisdom, you will leave with more ease, a deeper understanding of yourself and most importantly with a higher vibrational state than you came in with. That to me is a miracle that I feel honored to witness with every client.
  • Every time you heal an energetic wound, you are healing everyone around you. This is another miracle of healing. By discovering your patterns and re-shaping your vibration, you are creating ripples in the universe that travel through your DNA and energy field to positively affect everyone you come into contact with and everyone in your blood and soul line. What is in one is in the whole. By taking the time to heal, you are helping heal our species as a whole.
  • Miracles begin to happen the moment you decide and take action to heal. You have free will. You are in charge. This means that your decision to heal and look at and be with your patterns and be open to creating new life-affirming ones, changes everything. Often, the energy begins to work in you and on you the moment you make an appointment with me. Whether you decide to work with me or not, remember this one: your decision to heal and hold more light is one of the most important, magical, life-changing, life-affirming decisions you can ever make.

All of these apply whether we are having a conversation on the phone or in-person, or working with crystals, forks, tapping or simply talking. I am available to chat with you to listen to where you are energetically and give you a recommendation on where to start your chakra healing journey. You can reserve a 15 Minute FREE video call with me at this link.

Have a beautiful, miracle-filled day,

With love and light,


Welcome to A Drop Of Om

Welcome to A Drop Of Om! I am so glad that you found your way here. I am Damla Aktekin, creator of the website and blog and a Healer who helps people with healing their energetic wounds and reclaiming their joy. I would love to find out what brought you here and what is asking you to be healed in your life. Please leave me a comment to let me know.

Please take a moment and join me at the Chakra Bliss Party Facebook Group for more healing inspiration.

With love and light,


Every Day Is A New Opportunity

Taking a good look at your choices begins by pausing and understanding that each moment is another opportunity to make another choice. Your choices brought you to where you are right now. Your choices will take you to where you wish to be. Your choices will allow you to be ok with the in-between state while you move towards where you want to be.

Your choices matter a lot. Choosing who to hang out with will shape if you get nourished or depleted in your relationships. Allocating your energy at work, at home, and in your relationships will determine whether you end up exhausted at the end of the day. How you prioritize your limited resources of time, energy, and attention will create your reality and how you relate to it.

Every day is a new opportunity to choose more life-affirming, life-supporting actions, thoughts, intentions and to re-determine your priorities. Sometimes this takes a sacred pause. A pause where you are not responsible for anything or anyone other than your precious self. Where you put your daily hustle on hold to see what matters most to you and how your choices are affecting you and those you love every single day.

When you find yourself stuck in your past and current choices, find some precious time for a sacred pause. Take some time to re-evaluate what you want, what you need and how you wish to allocate your resources to live the life you really want to live. If you need help with figuring out what you want, need and what to do next, let’s chat.

With love and light,
