The last part of our odyssey was a private visit to the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid. I remember us sitting in the beautiful garden of our hotel the day before. Some of us were really anxious about it. The King’s chamber is accessed through a long and narrow staircase that leads to a larger room. The staircase is very low which means you need to climb it hunched over for a long time, only seeing what is in front of you, and without a way for you to turn back down. I was feeling anxiety just like everyone else. I also knew that I needed to go there. As I woke up from a dream that day, I was given the guidance that I would be downloading my next three books in the chamber. Anxiety or not, I would make the journey!
The next day we were invited to our tour owner’s guest house for dinner. She had a lovely common room and a great spread prepared for us. What they didn’t tell us was that the guest house was right across from the pyramids and the Sphinx and you could see all of them from the amazing terrace! We found ourselves watching the sunset gazing at the Pyramids.
On the first day that I arrived Cairo, I found myself at my hotel’s balcony overlooking the Pyramids. After settling in I got out to the balcony and just gazed at them. Tears started to flow in my face. I could feel them welcoming me. It felt like being reunited with a family member I haven’t seen in a long time. I remember sitting there and just feeling their unbelievable energy. Was this real? Was I imagining it? All I knew was what I felt and what I felt was very real. I had been here before and this felt like a home-coming and integrating a part of me that I didn’t know existed.

I had the same feeling at that terrace on our last day. As I gazed at the pyramids I knew that they would be with me forever. I knew that they had longed for me and I had longed for them and their energy would stay with me.
I had another karmic experience after dinner that day. I found myself with a throbbing pain on the right side of my abdomen around my gallbladder. As we sat at the terrace, taking pictures, taking in the view, I found myself sitting a little away from the group and going into a meditative silence. I held my pain and asked it what it was about. All of a sudden I had the flash of a picture where I had a knife wound and both my hands were covered in blood trying to hold on to it. I realized that I was looking at another lifetime bleeding through. I started to tap, went into my meditative place, and sent forgiveness and love to all the people and circumstances of that lifetime.

By the time it was time to go to the Great Pyramid, I was already in a deep meditative state with my head tingling. I didn’t talk much during the short bus ride. When we got there and lined up outside the pyramid, the panic was palpable. I tapped and breathed and encouraged a few of us to do the same. I knew that I was being called here for a long time now. I also knew in my meditative state, I would be called to be the care-taker and anchor for those of us who were having a harder time with it than I was.
We entered the Great Pyramid. I remember the slight panic in my throat. We went through a narrow cave-like hallway. I touched my hands and forehead on the wall to greet the pyramid. It all felt very familiar. When I stepped foot on the first step of the narrow staircase I heard ‘No more fear!’ With that first step all my fears and anxiety melted. I was in an altered state. I didn’t want to talk. It was extremely hot, people in front of me and behind me were having a hard time climbing. I remember breathing, climbing, and breathing. Anchoring the calmness for everyone and myself. We were in a rhythm. One of us was singing in the front of the group. Some of us were tapping. We were taking one step at a time to go to the heart of the pyramid. We were climbing back up the womb of the Mother.

At last we arrived at the King’s Chamber, placed right in the middle of the pyramid. This was a seemingly empty room with a sarcophagus in the middle. I instinctively went to the sarcophagus and placed my forehead on it as a greeting. Then sat down by it on the floor, cross-legged, with my fingertips touching the floor. The moment I sat down and closed my eyes I heard ‘It is time. You always had the downloads in you, we will show you how to reach them.’ I was guided to go deep into the middle of my heart and breathe. Then rose a huge pyramid from my heart surrounding my body. Suddenly, there was another upside down pyramid, both surrounding my body with my heart at the center. I was shown that this is how – even after leaving here- I would access everything I ever needed, right in my heart.
Our spiritual guide Sheilaa walked us through a meditation. I don’t remember much of it since I was already in a meditative state. I just remember seeing a white water lily as my soul flower and a black panther who put her head on my lap purring as my soul guide animal. Then she asked us to hold hands standing around the sarcophagus. One by one we went into this ancient space-holder. I squeezed the hands of my soul travelers, they squeezed mine. We helped each other get in and out of the sarcophagus. When I got in there it felt familiar, safe, and I could have stayed there for ages. At one point with one of us in the sarcophagus, we found ourselves turning the palms of our hands towards her and beaming healing energy towards her. Every single one of us, no matter how physically challenging it was, made it in and out of the sarcophagus, which was amazing to witness.
At the end, Sheilaa in her deep soul wisdom, invited the Egyptian guard of this place to come and lie in the sarcophagus. We later learned that he was saying that he never felt anything in this sacred place. As he lay in there our group sent him healing energy with our hands. You could see his expression change and soften as he climbed out of there as if he was experiencing relief. As our Egyptian tour guide, another healer, spoke to him we surrounded him standing. One of us was guided to place her hands on his heart and his back. We were still sending him healing energy. At one point, I spontaneously started to Om and other people joined me. We did a few rounds of Om surrounding the Egyptian guard in this sacred of sacred places. You could see tears in his eyes. He was touched by our love.
It was time to trek back out into the world. We entered the birth canal of the pyramids. Going down slowly, this time with a lot less anxiety and charged with something we didn’t know how to name. I kept hearing over and over that this energy, this experience, and this knowing would always stay with me. By the time we arrived outside of the pyramid, we were different people. Touched by the magic of what is beyond words. My forehead, my pineal gland, was tingling and kept doing so hours after.

I remembered my dream where I stood by the pyramids at night, looking at the stars and understanding my calling of reminding people of the infinite potentials of their inner children. I was right there, standing by the Great Pyramid, at night, looking at the stars, and feeling like I just went through a rebirth and resurrection (I had), and just in awe of all it!

The biggest gift of this odyssey experience for me is this: we have seen and felt what is beyond the veil and are now asked to bring it back to our lives any way that we can. In all these magical places where the veil is really thin, we touched something real, palpable, and extraordinary. I can’t imagine going back to my life and pretending that it doesn’t exist. I have been lucky to have experienced magic on and off in my life. What Egypt and this odyssey offered was undeniable magic. There’s a lot more to what we see happening three dimensionally. There are so many layers, stories, and energies playing themselves out. I can no longer pretend to not see or know. In every situation I find myself in, I deeply know now there’s a soul layer that needs to be explored.
With deep gratitude and love,
P. S. This feels like the last installment for now. If I am guided to write more about Egypt, you’ll be the first to know! 🙂
Read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 here.
See my Egypt pictures and mini videos here and here.
Here’s the Isis Oracle Card Deck that I pulled my card from.
In the next few months, I will be busy writing the first King’s Chamber download, my book about crystal healing. I’ll share snippets with you as I am guided. And I’ll continue to share love notes, occasional offers, and healing transmissions with you too.
If you need intuitively guided inner child healing support, check out my private healings here. It is truly magical to know and touch your light-filled potentials!
I invite you to look into your heart. Take a deep breath and look even deeper. Then stay there and slowly breathe. This journey that you are on called life, is hard, unpredictable, full of challenges and gifts, just like an odyssey. Here’s the truth:
- You are not alone,
- You are deeply loved.
- And your needs matter.
Taking time for your healing is a need. Taking time to soothe your nervous system kindly, lovingly, and gently is a need. What I offer in Chakra Bliss Vault is a chance to do that. Bit by bit, with every single healing, it is a chance to reclaim your heart connection, to touch what your soul and the soul of life needs you to know, and to give yourself a moment to breathe even in the midst of all the chaos and unpredictability.
The healings are mostly silent because all you need to know is already in your heart, my job is to create opportunities that will take you into your heart’s chamber.
I invite you to join Chakra Bliss Vault for FREE. The doors are open for you to join for a 15-day trial, between now and December 31st.
You will get immediate access to ALL healings in the Vault (82+ of them!) the moment you join. The healings will be at your fingertips through an Apple or GooglePlay app whenever and wherever you need them.