Imagine waking up at 2am in Khemet (Egypt) and getting on a bus with your other sleepy odyssey companions at 3am. By 4am you arrive at your destination. It is pitch black with a full moon in Sagittarius. A few people with flashlights light the way. Everyone is silent and only the footsteps can be heard. You are the only ones allowed here at this hour. After a short walk, you arrive at the most magnificent temple ever (Karnak). With huge columns that reach the sky as far as the eye can see, it is magnificent. You keep walking and you reach a small entryway. It is a room without a roof. The ancient Egyptians designed most of their temples that way, to see the sun, moon, and the stars. There’s a marble offering table in the middle and a door that leads to an ancient Sekhmet statue.
Sekhmet is the Goddess with the lioness head and a woman’s body. Ancient Egyptians called their Gods and Goddesses Neteru or Neters. They were the embodiments of the elements of nature. They had 360 Neteru for each ray of the sun. Half male, half female. They knew that when you personified and spoke to Nature, she spoke back. Sekhmet is the embodiment of the fierce mother. She is protective. She is also a Divine Mother who nourishes, heals, and listens. She knows you more than you know yourself. She sees and accepts all of you unconditionally. The Sekhmet statue in Karnak is known to be powerful. Her eyes are full of compassion and love. Her stance is fierce. Her presence is felt the moment you step foot into the temple.

Our group gathers, our spiritual guide Sheilaa speaks. She says that we are to touch and greet the offering table and she will guide us into Sekhmet’s presence one by one. Some of us circle the table. Some of us put our hands on it. I am guided to place my hands and forehead on it. Then all of a sudden it is not enough, I hug the table. The moment my head touches the table, the guidance starts. My body relaxes. I hear very clear and gentle guidance answering my every question, giving me my next steps, my marching orders, telling me what the universe has in store for me. The universe has EVERYTHING in store for me! By the time I lift my head which has simply been on the offering table less than a minute, it feels like it has been days. My head is spinning.
I tap. I close my eyes. I breathe. Then it is my turn to enter into the sacred room. Sheilaa first takes me into the room with Ptah, Sekhmet’s husband, the God of Darkness. The room is pitch black dark. I close my eyes. I realize that I am in the darkness of the womb, of the creative void, of space, and of where the seeds grow. There’s nothing scary about this darkness. It is sacred. It is beautiful. It is all about life. In the beauty of it, I start to cry silent, releasing tears. Then Sheilaa takes me to the room that belongs to the son of Ptah and Sekhmet. The energy starts to deepen. I am now in the creative realm where 1+ 1 equals more than 2. I am still crying.

Then Sheilaa takes me to Sekhmet. Somehow in the darkness I find myself hugging her. I bow my head into her embrace. I really start to cry now, full-on tears. I can feel her presence, her love. I know that it is safe to come apart in her presence. She holds me like a mother holds her child. There are words in my inner space. All my questions are being answered. All the guidance I need are given. All the assurances I need are made known to me. I don’t know how long I am there (must be a few minutes?). It feels like ages. I am taken outside.

Then we wait. We wait in the moonlight. I find myself moving, dancing side to side. There is no talking. Somehow in the moonlight we women find each other. We hold and squeeze each other’s hands. We touch our heads to each other. We hug. We reassuringly stroke each other’s backs and arms. We become the Goddess for each other. The Goddess is alive through us.

When everyone has been to the inner three chambers, Sheilaa calls us all in. We make a circle holding hands next to Sekhmet. Whoever is near Sekhmet holds her hand to complete the circle. We even include the male guard who is in the room with us. I am overcome with emotion. I suddenly know that I am experiencing all the suffering that Sekhmet has ever witnessed. At the same time I am feeling all the compassion she has ever shown people. Next, I am aware of all the suffering our circle has been through and all the love we each hold. Sheilaa guides us through hugging the statue in two’s. When it is my turn, I am bawling. It is too much to feel all of it. I hug the statue and hold my partner’s hands. The moment I hug Sekhmet a quietness comes over me. It is like she hushes me like hushing a crying baby. Everything is as it should be. There’s no more need for words. And I can find comfort in her embrace.

The Goddess has spoken to all of us. There is not a single person who wasn’t moved or changed completely. We all experienced her unconditional love, her powerful embrace, and her presence being born for and through us. The sun is rising as we exit the temple. We are never going to be the same again. We are born anew.
This is what came to me to write down three days before my trip:
“I went to the land of the Goddess (Khemet/Egypt) naked. Not naked without clothes, naked without assumptions, expectations, and make-up. Naked like a just birthed baby. Naked like a reborn adult. Naked like my very existence depended on her care and nourishment (it does). Naked with my head bowed down with humbleness and awe. She said ‘you are welcome here any time. We met before and we shall meet again. The tendrils of my Gaia plants and waters have turned into golden sands. And we meet again. I know you dear soul. I have known you a great long while. You have known me a great long while. We meet to joyfully say ‘what a great becoming, what a great re-meeting, what a great and divine feeling to love you in my arms again.’ I said ‘I have missed you Divine Mother. I have for so many nights longed for you. I prayed to meet you in myself and others. You have shown up briefly each time. Let us fully fill our cups with each other in this lifetime. For my cells are all so delighted to see you here and now. I am forever grateful to you.
Love is the great big rope that binds us through all eternity. I am grateful to have found you one more time.“
With all my love,
P. S.
Here’s Part 1 of My Egyptian Odyssey in case you missed it.
* We were asked not to share any pictures of the Sekhmet statue in Karnak publicly to honor her sacredness.
Tomorrow I will tell you about the challenges, trials, and karma that comes up when you go on an odyssey.
Below is the invitation I promised you yesterday.
When I started Chakra Bliss Vault Membership in December of 2020, I didn’t fully understand her mission. I only had heard one guidance: create a virtual space where everyone coming can feel held in unconditional divine love. I started creating -mostly silent- crystal healings with this one piece of guidance in mind. Only after being in the presence of Sekhmet, I know and understand the meaning of it all.
The love that I speak of is Divine, meaning it can hold everything in acceptance, the light and the dark, the hurt and the joy, all of it! The love that I infuse into these healings is a balm for our parched souls as we go through this life. The love that is channeled through me for these healings continues to heal me, and has touched and soothed the hearts, minds, bodies, and souls of many already.
It has been 2 full years. Chakra Bliss Vault now has a great big pool of channeled crystal healings:
- 24 Monthly Focused Healings that focus on an energetic wound for deep healing.
- 24 Mini Energy Tune Ups that are 5-10 minute healings that are there for you whenever you need them.
- 24 Monthly Energy Tune Ups that clear, protect, adjust, heal your energy field as well as your physical properties and surroundings according to the needs of each and every month.
- 10 Bonus Sound Balancing sessions with tuning forks to give you a chakra adjustment and clearing whenever you need it.
- Several other bonuses including Ancestral Healing Meditation, Crystal Healing Meditation, interviews that go deep, a 50% discount for a private session with me, and more.
As we are entering the 3rd year of CBV, her mission is clear to me: provide a loving refuge for deep energetic wound healing and channel the love of the Divine Mother.
On January 1st, I will be sharing three new crystal healing sessions with you (as I do every month). One of them is going to be Being Held by the Divine Mother Monthly Focused Healing. I will channel what I felt when I hugged Sekhmet in her chamber and what I felt in each and every temple and each and every moment I was in Khemet. This love has everything you need in it. This love is a balm for parched souls. We ALL need this kind of love.
If only to experience this one healing, I invite you to join Chakra Bliss Vault for FREE. The doors are open for you to join for a 15-day trial, between now and December 31st.
You will get immediate access to ALL healings in the Vault (82+ of them!) the moment you join. The healings will be at your fingertips through an Apple or GooglePlay app.