An odyssey, as the name suggests isn’t without its challenges. At every point of the journey there was magic, there was also discomfort, emotions, karma rising up, and old-patterns resurfacing for all of us.
Until the very last moment of my flight to Cairo, I didn’t know if I would make it. A week before the trip I got the flu, which hit me hard with a high fever and a cough. I was unable to sleep most nights and felt incredibly tired. My Doctor gave me the ok to go if I was fever-free for 24 hours before the trip. I had my luggage open on the floor unable to finish it up since I felt so tired. Finally my fever broke the day before. The morning of my flight, I woke up speedily trying to finish up my luggage, only to be sent back to my bed again with a migraine. My migraines usually take a day to shake off, are incredibly painful, and end up with me throwing up. I was in bed at 9am with my migraine and an unfinished luggage, and needed to leave home by 12pm. (Btw. this is when having travel insurance is incredibly helpful for peace of mind!). These are the times that I lean on the Crystal Healings in the Chakra Bliss Vault. I played the Monthly Energy Tune Up feeling being held in love, placed my ice-wrap on my head, and surrendered to it all. By the grace of the Goddess, I was able to gather myself, my belongings and headed to the bus that took me to the Boston Logan Airport.
Whatever was pulling me towards Egypt, something was wanting to pull me back equally strongly. The fear of the unknown and unfamiliar was strong and was coming up as physical issues. I needed to be willing to move through it with a lot of courage.

I had chosen to arrive early to Cairo and had a day to myself, which felt great. The next day the rest of the group arrived. We got introduced to each other and our tour started right away! The tour schedule was full and challenging at times. Each day we would wake up at 5am (or earlier), get to our bus and get going. We would be on our feet, standing or walking most of the day. Some of us began to show signs of fatigue, with swollen feet and knee and back issues. Some of us went through several bouts of digestive issues. I had my moon cycle two days after the full moon visit in Karnak. Managing my energy level was very difficult at times. On top of it all we were tired, which made staying present and positive a challenge.
The landscape was another challenge. In contrast to the gorgeous temples, pyramids, hieroglyphs, and the rich ancient culture, Egypt is a developing country with a lot of poverty, lack of infrastructure, and a chaotic traffic, especially in Cairo. The street sellers were relentless. They would target us and not let go. Our group had a bodyguard who would try to intercept them but not always successfully.

Our spiritual guide Sheilaa, being the wise soul that she is, gathered us in a meeting mid-trip. She looked at us and said ‘All the physical issues, emotions, and discomfort is your shit, your karma, coming up to the surface. Here and now, in this sacred place, you get to release it.’ She assured us that it was ALL a natural part of the journey. Hearing her say it made it possible for us to move through it all with a little more grace.
Our karma (the ways that we have trouble showing up for ourselves and others) kept showing up in different ways. We were all asked to move through it, with the support of Khemet and the Goddess energy, and with the actual support of our soul family in this group.
I had a few karmic moments of my own. The second day in Cairo Museum I somehow lost the group. I ran around the museum in panic, trying to call the few people I barely knew from the group. At last the group realized I wasn’t on the bus and our Egyptian guide came and found me. When I sat down and asked ‘What’s going on?’ in my heart, I was shown a lifetime where my family left me behind as a baby in an ice storm. I was living all those emotions and panic all over again. Except this time, I wasn’t a helpless baby. I realized that I would have been ok even if I somehow didn’t meet the group. I would have found my way. Through a deep releasing meditation and lots of tapping, I was able to release that karma and find forgiveness.
Another thing that was hard for me was getting into a group of 18 women after going through the pandemic practically as a hermit! After our first dinner, I found myself needing to retreat into my room to calm down my nervous system. I gradually got used to being with the group and came to enjoy each and every one of them greatly. I found myself getting to know each and every person better and found a lot of comfort in our being there for each other.

Our visit to Philae and the Temple of Isis was perfectly timed. Philae is the island on the Nile where the Temple of Isis originally was placed. Because of a dam project, the temple was moved by Unicef to a nearby island. We first visited the entryway of the original temple with a small boat. You could immediately feel the beautiful energy. It felt appropriate that the Temple Of Isis, the Goddess of feminine beauty, fertility, emotional healing, and love would be on the water. We had a private ceremony and a meditation here that was really special.
Then we went to the actual temple which is now situated on another island. It took 10 years to move her brick by brick. As we approached the new island, I immediately heard ‘I didn’t enjoy the move, but here I am’. I could still feel the Goddess Isis in the Temple. I could still sense the records of time in the stones. She had been through a lot and she was still standing.
The message of not always enjoying how our karma shows up but letting it move us, letting it change us, letting it re-create us stayed with me. Finding grace and healing doesn’t always have to look or feel pretty. A karmic release rarely happens as you envision it. As long as you show up for it, something in return shows up for you to give you the strength to make a new home in yourself, and re-define what it means to be you.
With love and gratitude,
P. S.
I will tell you about another karmic release I experienced tomorrow, along with the gift of the odyssey and my magical experience in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid.
Here’s Part 1 and Part 2 of My Egyptian Odyssey in case you missed it.
Read Part 4 here.
When karma knocks on your door (preferably even before), it is a good idea to have a lot of energetic support. As you go through the discomforts of life, you need moments to remind you that you deserve to be held too. All the healings in Chakra Bliss Vault are created just for that.
In those moments of being held, you are reminded of three things:
- You deserve to be held in love,
- Grace, love, and support exist,
- You got this!
The resilience you build by regularly taking time for a 10 minute, 30 minute or a 45 minute healing will help get you through your day and karmic trials.
I invite you to join Chakra Bliss Vault for FREE. The doors are open for you to join for a 15-day trial, between now and December 31st.
You will get immediate access to ALL healings in the Vault (82+ of them!) the moment you join. The healings will be at your fingertips through an Apple or GooglePlay app whenever and wherever you need them.