You own your power when you stop and acknowledge how hard things have been.

You own your power when you admit your overwhelm, tiredness, annoyance, or disappointment.

You own your power when you are brave enough to show and tend to your wounds, and get help when needed.

You own your power when you recognize that buying another piece of make-up, face cream, donut, chai-latte or electronic device will not soothe the needs of your soul.

You own your power when you realize that when you yell at other people, you are doing neither of you justice.

You own your power when you stop looking for love and acceptance in all the wrong places.

You own your power when you accept that your anger, anxiety, sadness, and addictions are your responsibility.

You own your power when little things make you happy and content.

You own your power when you realize that when you talk about anything or anyone, you are only talking about yourself.

Own your power, embrace all that you are.

With love and light,


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