You can read my article 5 Tools for Reducing Anxiety in Children (and For You !) on the Seacoast Moms blog. Check out their amazing selection of mom-approved articles, tips, local recommendations, and more.
This week has been wonderfully cozy. I am enjoying the gentleness that comes with the Fall.
I am also working faithfully on the Crystal Healing Simplified Online Course. Piece by piece, drop by drop it is coming together. I would love to know what about crystals, crystal healing, and meditation you would love to know more about. Please comment and let me know.
One of the things that delight me lately is practicing Qigong, which is a gentle movement meditation that calms down the nervous system and balances your energy field. My husband and I have been practicing this brief routine in the mornings.
I am enjoying listening to this playlist while I cook or read.
I am reading The Way Of Qigong – The Art And Science Of Chinese Energy Healing by Ken Cohen.
What do you listen, read, practice, and notice that fulfills you and brings you joy these days? Let me know.
With love, light and deep gratitude,