You are a song. You are a dancing cloud of probability, electricity, waveforms, frequencies, and vibrations. You are a symphony of notes and frequencies that are meshed together.

Each experience of your life adds a note to your symphony. You have the main melody and supporting harmonies. Sometimes the notes you gather along your journey add to the beauty of your main melody, sometimes they are out of tune with your true essence, which is love, light, and beauty, and they create ‘out of tune’ness and noise.

It is not always easy to be aware of all that you are vibrationally communicating to the world. 

  • Sometimes when you know that something is out of tune, it is hard to identify the issue or the pattern just by yourself.
  • You may listen to yourself to identify your out of tune tones and notes. However, most often, we have a bias and a tendency to not want to see some of our ‘out of tune’ness.
  • Some people are really experts at catching what’s not in tune with themselves. They also could use someone to hold space for them and listen to them and their fields to satisfy their need for being listened to.
  • There are certain things you cannot listen to just by yourself, you need another person to hold space for you and deeply, lovingly listen to you.

You are not your ‘out of tune’ness. You are not your struggles. Underneath all the noise, you are a beautiful symphony of pure love and light.

When you align with your true song and clear the noise, you are helping everyone around you. You can change the world by tending to your own song. It is also important to carefully choose the vibrations around you.

My job as a healer is to listen to you and help you become aware of what notes are out of tune and offer you life-affirming, life-supporting, harmonizing tones and tunes as an alternative. So that you can remember and re-embody your beautiful true vibrational essence. If you would like me to listen to you and remind you of your perfect melody, book a session here.

With love and light,


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