Month: March 2017

The Sacred Pause

I’ve been thinking a lot about the power of a sacred pause. It can be as short as a breath, as long as a one-hour meditation or a week-long retreat. What makes it sacred is the intention to bathe yourself in enoughness.

For the duration of the pause, you stop trying to change or fix anything, make yourself or things better. What brings you to the pause is that you have already tried that and it didn’t work. In this moment of complete exhaustion, you have nothing else left to do but pause your thinking mind and leave yourself in a sea of beingness.

Being as it turns out is completely enough. You are enough when you exist without your preconceptions, assumptions, conditions and conditionings. You are enough when you let go of the place you’d like to reach or the person you strive to become.

In the lack of striving lies the fertile ground of creative connection to the life in and around you. You become a sacred container that can hold life and transform it into joyfulness, resourcefulness, renewed energy, and beauty. You can dive into the realm of possibilities instead of holding on to what you think should have been.

The sacred pause holds the key to be with what is. In being, we become.

I am hosting a monthly sacred pause, a Chakra Bliss Group Healing, in the Seacoast New England area. Hope to meet you there soon.

With love and light,

Damla Aktekin

Cold and Consciousness

I’ve been nursing a cold all week. Feeling foggy and tired with a low-grade fever and waiting for it to run its course. I woke up tonight in the middle of the night with a ‘my sinuses are too full’ feeling. Unable to go to sleep, I got up and took care of a few things including drinking some water with lemon (always helps with anything). Then it occurred to me.

Consciousness is a sum of all our aware moments. The more aware you are the more conscious (aka awake) you are. And you can’t be fully conscious just by being aware of all the good-labeled moments, feelings and emotions. You need to expand your consciousness to include the totality of your life experience. This takes work, effort and brutal honesty.

So for me this means tending to everything that my body is feeling right now without judging or labeling. And drinking lots and lots of water with lemon juice 🙂

What are you aware of right now? What can you include in your field of awareness that you normally push or wish away?

Here are a few ways to work with me to bring your conscious awareness to what needs light and to transform your outlook so that you can begin to hold more and more in your loving gaze.

Have a blissful week.

With love and light,


Photograph by NASA

Bringing Your Truth

There is a truth beyond the duality of our lives. Beyond right and wrong, true and false, good and bad is the truth: the wisdom and the infinite divinity of our souls.

Although at times it is hard to access it, this wisdom lives within you in your field of existence. You need to tap into this essence during:

  • Moments of feeling lost, by remembering your true essence is that of wisdom and love
  • Life’s tough decisions, by knowing you already have the highest vibrational answers that rest in your heart
  • Health, money, relationship issues, by reconnecting again and again with your knowing soul and remembering it is all a mirror to get to know the many aspects of yourself

Your truth (your soul) doesn’t always arrive where you are unless you consciously take the time to connect with it. Reminding yourself to bring it with you to wherever you are and wherever you go becomes an exercise in connecting with your soul’s wisdom and embodying your truth.

Just take a moment and close your eyes. Bring to mind whatever challenge you are facing right now. Can you sense how this challenge shows up in your body? Go ahead and call your soul’s wisdom in. Let it permeate your body until you feel completely embodied with your soul. And whenever you get lost, close your eyes and bring your soul back into your body until you are one with your truth.

With love and light,
