Month: July 2019

The Song That You Are

As I was driving back from a three-day Kirtan (mantra music) festival where I sang and chanted together with a group of 150+ people day and night, it fell into my heart that how much mantra chanting has parallels with the cyclical nature of our lives. This felt like something I needed to share with you as we are all living this one way or another, so here it goes.

Most Kirtan music starts with a slow introduction, almost like whispering, it plants the seeds of the melodies that are about to come (like Spring). The hushed tones begin to warm up the vibrational pathways of our bodies. Then comes the upbeat call and response, where the music gets louder and louder, and faster and faster. This is the time to put it all on the table, sing full force, using all your oxygen reserves and lighting the fire in your heart. This is when the vibration you are creating is felt the most by you and everybody else (like Summer). Then comes another round of slower chanting, almost like savoring what the fire of the previous part created, you slow down, you let your body and voice get calmer, you know the song is ending, this is your chance to still be in it (like Fall). The last part is simply staying silent and breathing in the vibrational essence that is still hanging in the air as nectar, as medicine. You stay still, you rest in the beauty that you have just created in partnership with everyone else. You let your body transform and integrate everything it needs to transform and integrate (like Winter).

I feel like all we are and all we do are songs. Some meant to be sung in hushed tones, some melodies overlapping each other (work, life, family), some are meant to be sung full force with all our fire and life energy. And then there is the breathing, the pauses, the highs and lows, the overlapping parts, the learning from each other, the contributing to and enhancing each other’s melodies and creating something we couldn’t have imagined creating just by singing what’s in our hearts, and the fact that it doesn’t even have to be on key all the time, it doesn’t need to be perfectly harmonized, the song that we are, the song that is in our hearts just needs to be sung, shared, and put out into the world. This, all of this, is our music that we are creating every moment, together, and it is so fricking beautiful.

I am back from my Turkey trip and ready to see one on one clients. Every time I take a long leave, I find that I come back with new juju and the first wave of sessions are always magical. You can find more about my private sessions and schedule yours here (don’t wait too long so you can catch the juju!).

With love and gratitude to all of you ?


Photo Credit: A collaborative nature mandala from the BlessFest.

Sheila Botelho – Supporting Your Cyclical Needs

In this Conversations With Healers episode, my guest is Sheila Botelho, a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, sustainable and cyclical self-healing enthusiast, mother and a compassionate guide for women who are looking to redefine their relationship with themselves and their health. Sheila and I touched upon:

  • the cyclical nature of our healing needs,
  • investing in our well-being before the menstruation phase, peri-menopause or menopause, or periods of loss hit us so that we have our wells full by the time cycles of life find us,
  • the need for prioritizing self-healing and self-care during periods of grief,
  • noticing how we feel and taking action on things and areas of our lives where we don’t feel as well as we could,
  • and being open to our paths changing and evolving as healers.

Sheila and I mentioned these two books in our conversation: Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder by Arianna Huffington, and The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine.

My favorite healing nugget from Sheila is “I would think I had to go 90 miles an hour every single day, even the week before my cycle, even while my period was happening. The body is actually telling us: you know what you need to slow down, you can chill out, you can get extra rest, maybe you don’t even need to work out today.”

You can find out more about Sheila and her work at her website and download her free gift ‘Simplify Your Wellness Plan – 3 Steps to Streamline Your Self-Care”.

Listen to other episodes here.

Subscribe here for future episodes and to receive a practical resource to help you identify your energetic wounds.

With love and light,




Allowing Life To Be

Allowing life to be as it is.

Making space for a sincere allowing, without conditions and prerequisites.

Allowing your life, your healing, your relationships, your work to unfold as they need to.

Letting go of the illusion of control.

Letting go of the pattern of ‘If I worry or get angry, it means I am doing something.’

Letting go of the pattern of powerlessness, heaviness, and stuckness.

Letting go of what you think you know.

Opening up to the mystery, the beauty, and the song of life.

Allowing life to sing to you, in you, for you, with you.

Allowing the mystery to become you.

Allowing trust to be your ally, your presence to be your comfort, your joy to be your carriage, your love to be your everything.

Allowing the truth of who you are to shine brilliantly.

Allowing things to unfold with patience, with care, with a lot of love. If you have trouble allowing, contact me and let’s unfold your energetic wounds together for an allowing existence.

With love and light,
