Epsom salt baths are a wonderful way to not just relax your body but also help integrate any healing work you may have done. I often recommend my clients to take the time for a salt bath right after a healing session. Here’s why:

  • Being in saltwater deeply relaxes your nervous system. Being in saltwater is a lot like being in the womb, you get to be held and deeply cared for. Our bodies innately know this feeling and love when we are able to reproduce it intentionally.
  • Epsom salts help pull impurities out of your system and deeply nourish you. Magnesium and sulfate ions seep in through your pores and deeply nourish your body. Epsom salts also help you release any energetic particles you need to release.
  • Being deeply relaxed enhances your system’s (body+energy field) ability to move through the transformation of receiving energy healing. It helps your body redistribute, digest and absorb any new energy you received while releasing what needs to go and catalyzing the transformation that is already happening.

Here’s how I recommend you to prepare your salt bath:

  • If you have a bathtub, fill it with lukewarm water to your comfort level. Add at least 2 cups of Epsom salt. People usually assume that just a little bit of salt would be enough, you need at least 1 lb. of salt to feel the benefits.
  • If you have a foot wash container, fill it with lukewarm water and add at least 1/2 cups of Epsom salt. While I definitely prefer a bath, I find that a foot bath can be just as effective and relaxing if you are short on time or don’t have a bathtub.

I recommend using an earplug to avoid ear infections and buying your salts in bulk. You can see some of my salt bath favorites below. You can also add a few drops of essential oils into your bath if you would like a scent element but you don’t have to. You can also consider adding your favorite crystals into the saltwater to increase the healing powers of the bath. Here are some of my crystal recommendations.

Once you are in the bath, you can listen to your favorite guided meditation or relax with some soothing music. Check out my salt bath playlist for inspiration.

Stay in the bath as long as you are comfortable, at least 15 minutes or longer. Gift this time of deep relaxation and rejuvenation to yourself if possible weekly or whenever you can.

With love and light,


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