In case you need it, here is a gentle reminder that the universe has your back. It is working through you, in you, for you, with you to keep you on the best possible life path. Your best possible life path is an ever-changing, evolving, moment-to-moment unfolding energetic creation.

It is in the universe’s best interest to keep you on that path. Because when you trust and begin to dance with life, you are shining, truly shining. Universe could definitely use more shining people.

Things are conspiring for you and not against you. You are an essential, delicious, miraculous piece of the loving universe. You are loved, you are celebrated, you are guided and supported.

Please trust that life is on your side, supporting you, throwing you resources, conversations, love and opportunities to thrive, giving you all that you need every moment including what you need to learn and grow. There is a wind beneath your wings. Close your eyes, imagine your wings and feel the gentle and loving lift, shimmy with it, dance with it, fall in love with it.

With love and light,


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