I want you to know that…

You get triggered by life, people, situations, circumstances, relationships, or events because you haven’t tended to the needs of your inner child that gets threatened by that situation, conversation, thought, action or vibration. 

You haven’t taken the responsibility to notice, name, voice, take action on, and ask for support and assistance for your needs.

You haven’t realized that you are living in the vibrational soup that you are co-creating with others. 

And you haven’t understood that the only variable you can do anything about in the soup is you.

The only thing you can do to heal from getting triggered is to tend to the needs of the parts of you that get triggered.

Rather than complaining, shaming, blaming, pointing fingers (in other words, giving your power away), or avoiding, numbing, ignoring, or not listening, take responsibility for your reaction. Own the responsibility to take care of your needs and the needs of your inner children and your ancestors that continue to live in and through you.

I want you to breathe with this: as long as you breathe, you can change your vibrational reality by tending to your needs, taking care of your nervous system and asking for support when you need to. 

I see you, I know you, I love and accept all of you no matter where you are on your healing journey.

I invite you to arrange a 15-minute complimentary call with me to chat about how you can deepen your energetic well-being and healing through working together.

Sending you virtual hugs,

With love, light, and gratitude,


P. S. My two online courses are open for enrollment until April 18, 2020.

Tending To Your Needs teaches you how to tend to the vibrational needs of your inner children and your ancestors, and how to work with the resistance to tend to your needs.

($400+ value, over 3.5 hours of video lessons, 4 hours of guided meditations, and home-play worksheets)

Introduction to EFT Tapping empowers you with a quick, effective and powerful nervous system regulation and vibrational repatterning tool that you can use for yourself and your family, and have with you for your lifetime as an invaluable support. 

($400+ value, 3 hours of video lessons, 4 hours ​of guided meditations, includes a special bonus lesson on Tapping With Your Kids)

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