We assume that life is only meant to be pleasurable, meditation is always peaceful, spiritual unfolding will always make us feel better. Discomfort is something to push away, get rid of and avoid at all cost. Yet without learning to be with your discomfort and hear what it is here to teach you, you cannot heal.

Anything you experience holds layers. In pain, there is a wave of sensation and emotion, which rises, peaks and falls away (perhaps multiple times in varying levels). Anxiety starts as a small increasing vibration, then takes you over entirely (unless you know how to dance with it), and then seemingly lets you go while usually an underlying vibration remains and never leaves you. Anger starts as an annoyance and grows with time into bursting out when you least expect it. You exhaustion holds multiple vibrational layers and emotions, so do your disappointment, resentment, judgment and any other struggle.

The discomfort is there for you to dive into. When you sit with it, you notice that it doesn’t stay constant, it changes, shifts and begins to tell you a story. As you look deeper into it, you might find the struggles of your baby, child or teenager self in it. You might notice the struggles of your parents or grandparents in it. You might notice the decisions, strategies, and promises that you consciously or unconsciously made at some point in your life, that are no longer true for you.

Your discomfort is a labyrinth. If you’ve never tried to be with it, or don’t know where to start, or you started and feel like mid-way through you got lost, you need a healer. What I do in my work is stand by your side and hold a light so you can see the path before you and in front of you clearer and make sense of it all. I cannot promise you that your discomfort will end (it usually stays until its teaching fully sinks into your cells), but I can help you safely uncover the story that it is trying to tell you.

You can chat with me to see if what I do is right for you.

With love and light,


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