A few weeks ago I woke up with the words ‘pregnant elephant’ echoing in my head, my dream guidance had spoken. Up until that point, I knew close to nothing about elephants and their pregnancy. When I looked it up I found out that elephants have the longest pregnancy of any mammal with 95 weeks or 22 months of gestation, which means almost two years of being pregnant. 

At the time I was deliberating my next creative project with all signs leading me to the Crystal Healing course I have as a draft, a draft that I started about two years ago. I have all the meditations written, some already recorded, a draft outline crafted, tons of notes scribbled in papers and online after hours of self-practice, meditation, and hundreds of group and individual clients that I have had the blessing to work with since 2012. Thousands of hours already spent on crystal healing yet it is just now that I feel that I can begin to cover what crystals are, how they work, and what they can do for you. 

I can only imagine how it might feel to be pregnant for two years. I do know how it feels to have a soul project in you for that long or even longer. While a part of me wants to get things done, I am pulled by my body and soul to take it slow, breathe with it, savor the process and do it justice. My time for creativity is limited these days, limited by not just my own needs but the needs of my family, my clients, and the weight of simply breathing through these times we live in. Yet something in me brings me back to this door that I cracked open, I am in the process of opening it wider and letting the light in a little bit more every single day. 

The course that needs to be created is whispering her name to me (Crystal Healing Simplified), and how she would like to look, how she would like to communicate with you, and all the things she has to say to you. It takes time to listen, so I am taking the time, for as long as it takes.

What is your soul whispering to you? What are you pregnant with? What wants and needs to be born out of you as words, thoughts, or things you make? Hope you take the time to listen closely.

With love and light,


P. S. I would love to know what you would love to learn more about crystals and crystal healing. Let me know!

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