There are two ways you can look at and experience life based on physics. One is that everything is solid and cannot change in any way other than three-dimensionally. The other is the opposite, everything can and does change and you always have a choice to turn things around.

Let’s explore the idea that everything is solid (very Newtonian physics). According to what we know about quantum physics, that is not true at all. There’s so much space in between atoms. More than that if you look beyond the atoms you see subatomic particles. And if you look beyond them (according to string theory) you see strings of vibrating light, which are not made up of matter at all, rather they are a cloud of vibrating probabilities that exist within a huge could of probability that we call life (remind you of a drop of OM within a sea of OM?).

What does this mean for you? It means that you have a choice. If you choose to exist within Newtonian physics of solids, finite mechanics, and deterministic probabilities, you carry on with life without the ability to have much say in it. If you open up your mind and body into quantum physics, you now have the option not to take a diagnosis, a condition, a trauma, or an unhealthy pattern for granted, but make choices to create the life you want to live in day by day.

It is as simple as that. You get to choose.

If you need help re-patterning your life and opening up to more expanded, blissful, light-filled possibilities, let’s chat.

With love and light,


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