What if you are a game of Tetris and all your wounding is the gaps and the chaos that builds up when you aren’t careful? Tetris is a wildly popular video game from the 80s. I used to love playing it. I remember getting so frustrated when something got messed up. The only way to make things flow again was to pay even more attention to what parts Tetris throws at you next and lay them down as best as you can.

We often think of our wounding as a giant box that can be opened up, then we take out what’s in it, dispose of it and everything will be OK. Unfortunately much like Tetris, ALL your wounding lives here in the now. There is no box to open. Your wounding is present in every moment of your life.

You can only tend to your wounds by finding presence and grace in the now. Much like a Tetris game, bringing awareness, attention, and a loving gaze to this moment will promptly melt away your past wounding and mishaps. Also much like a Tetris game, any time you lose your presence and caring awareness, all your wounds will build up on top of each other and life will be chaotic.

The more you realize that every moment is a chance to heal EVERYTHING, the more precious every moment becomes.

If you feel like you need help with your healing, let’s chat.

With love and light,


P. S. Here is an online version of Tetris you can play on your laptop or PC.

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