I’ve been thinking a lot about the power of a sacred pause. It can be as short as a breath, as long as a one-hour meditation or a week-long retreat. What makes it sacred is the intention to bathe yourself in enoughness.

For the duration of the pause, you stop trying to change or fix anything, make yourself or things better. What brings you to the pause is that you have already tried that and it didn’t work. In this moment of complete exhaustion, you have nothing else left to do but pause your thinking mind and leave yourself in a sea of beingness.

Being as it turns out is completely enough. You are enough when you exist without your preconceptions, assumptions, conditions and conditionings. You are enough when you let go of the place you’d like to reach or the person you strive to become.

In the lack of striving lies the fertile ground of creative connection to the life in and around you. You become a sacred container that can hold life and transform it into joyfulness, resourcefulness, renewed energy, and beauty. You can dive into the realm of possibilities instead of holding on to what you think should have been.

The sacred pause holds the key to be with what is. In being, we become.

I am hosting a monthly sacred pause, a Chakra Bliss Group Healing, in the Seacoast New England area. Hope to meet you there soon.

With love and light,

Damla Aktekin

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