Month: January 2021

How and Why Distance and Recorded Healings Work

In this video, I am explaining how and why distance and recorded healing sessions work.

One thing I didn’t mention in it is the resonance that happens during a healing. I intentionally put myself in a deep healing meditation and just through your intention to join me you also get into the same state which is deeply nourishing and healing.

You can find out more about the Chakra Bliss Vault Energy Healing Membership and become a member here.


Clearing The Energy Of Shots

This month’s focused healing was deeply profound on many layers. In this video, I am sharing some of the energetic insights I discovered while holding the healing. At one point I worked on aspects contributing to shot stress and adverse reactions such as toxicity, stress, and noise in the collective field. I also strongly felt the need for forgiving the times we live in and forgiving policy makers, healthcare, yourself and anything and everything that may be creating stress for you right now. Immunity is a function of stability and coherence. It is really important to let things go.

You can purchase this healing until January 30th, 2021 at this link.

This healing will not be available to purchase after January 30th.

It will permanently become a part of the Chakra Bliss Vault Membership library. You can find out more about it and become a member here.

Whatever Is Is Enough

Whatever is is enough.

Wherever you are in your life, work, healing is enough.

Whatever you do is enough.

Whoever you are right now is enough.

However you choose to live, heal, love, progress is enough.

How often you take time to listen to your needs is enough.

All of you is enough.

With love and light,


Being Held In Love

Healing will take as long as it takes. In the meantime you’ll drink your tea, take your vitamins, take care of the life that is here in you and for you. You’ll keep choosing life despite everything that tells you otherwise. You’ll hug your wounds, prioritize your day, and finally get help for healing. You’ll start over and over every single day even though you are tired and exhausted. You’ll listen to your body, your inner child, your ancestors. You’ll connect with your people. You’ll make up beautiful rose shaded glasses to filter the ugliness of the world and see only beauty, forgiveness and love. This is the journey of healing every single day. You were born to do this.

I have been on a healing journey these last few weeks. Physical pain brings clarity to what really matters. Not Covid, throat and ear infection. My body and I are collaborating. Suddenly I only do what matters the most and leave the rest. That is the gift.

I am also realizing that in moments like this I don’t need or want to work on myself. I just need and want to be held in pure love. I want to know that I am supported completely and feel deep in my pores what it feels to be bathed in love. I do this through coming back to my crystal healing and meditations. I am reminded every single time the power of my intention and the healing magic of setting aside time to shift my energy.

Here are two new beautiful healing opportunities for you:

$35/person one hour-long focused healing session that is all about clearing the energetic effects of shots. This session is ONLY available to purchase until January 30th.


$33/month energy healing membership which includes the monthly focused healing and a lot more, and will give you all you need to clear, ground, transform, expand, and nourish your energy system.

With love and light,


Being A Soft Place To Land

One of my podcast guests Lisa Tahir shared this healing nugget during our conversation: “Let go of the judgements you hold against yourself and find that empathy and forgiveness for you. And you’ll be able to do it easily for others and be a softer place to land for them.” It has been ringing in my ears ever since: ‘being a soft place to land’ for yourself and others. It is who and what I want to be as I grow up.

Another Healer had told me once ‘Damla as you begin to resolve your inner conflicts, others will find it easier to approach you because it won’t feel like they are coming near a war zone’. Being a war zone versus a soft place to land, in my experience that is the difference between tending to your needs, taking action to heal your energetic wounds, practicing forgiveness, love, directing your gaze to goodness every single day versus not doing anything about your wounds, your needs, and your well-being.

How can I be a soft place to land for myself and others? How can I treat the life that is here and now with more compassion, forgiveness, and listening instead of getting lost in my own and the world’s trauma and drama? I am asking these questions to give myself a chance to choose between being a war zone and a soft place to land.

What will you choose to be today? And if it really feels like a war zone within you (I know how that feels) and it has been feeling like that for a long long time (I know how that feels too), when will you choose to get help?

With lots of love and light,


P. S. If you are new to my blog and just getting introduced to my work, here’s more about me, here’s more about my healing work, and a few more healing reads herehere and here.

Lisa Tahir – Healing With Forgiveness

In this Conversations With Healers episode, my guest is Lisa Tahir, Psychotherapist, founder of Pscyhoastrology, host of the All Things Therapy Podcast, Artist, Author of The Chiron Effect and a Healer. Lisa and I talked about:

  • Her healing story and how she became aware of her purpose at the young age of 5.
  • How Chiron and astrology can shed light on our core wounding.
  • Forgiveness and self-love as antidotes to our wounds, and remembering to repeatedly forgive ourselves for what we didn’t know or don’t yet know.
  • How Chiron can inform us of the vulnerabilities in our businesses and communities.
  • How our wounds can become the fertile soil for soul growth.
  • And more…

My favorite healing nugget from Lisa is “Let go of the judgements you hold against yourself and find that empathy and forgiveness for you. And you’ll be able to do it easily for others and be a softer place to land for them.”

You can find out more about Lisa and her work at her website. Lisa is lovingly offering 50% off of one session with her when you mention this podcast while booking. I invite you to check out her book The Chiron Effect, where she is laying out what Chiron and our core wounding are here to teach us, and some elegant strategies to heal your core wounding.

If this conversation touched you in any way, inspired you, or spoke to you, please share it. You can share it in a conversation, post about it on Facebook or Instagram, or email or text it to your friends and family. We truly appreciate your support in spreading the love and light that we hope to create with these conversations.

Listen to other episodes here.

Take this quiz to determine what your energetic wounds are and how they show up in your life.

Subscribe here for future episodes and to receive a mini-email course to help you learn more about your energetic wounds.

With love and light,


(Photo Credit for Damla: Eye Sugar Photography)



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