When the coronavirus news started to air, some of us began to feel the energetic effects of it stronger than others. I have written about the case of the fried toaster before. Those of us with energetic wounds had our wires fried earlier than others resulting in exposed wires and an easily overloaded energetic system. You can find out about what your energetic wounds are by downloading a list of questions here.

Your untended to energetic wounds continue to live in your system as a vulnerability. Every time something big and stressful hits you, like the coronavirus news, or a big change or shift in your life or a significant life event, your already leaking electrical system will have a hard time processing things which will result in body discomfort and emotions going haywire.

Think of another possibility: what if life hits you but you are able to create a safe space within your body and you are able to handle whatever life throws at you including an excess load of electricity. This is what self-healing and healing are all about. You take the responsibility to take care of your needs and re-mother and re-father yourself. You learn and have access to practices, tools, and methods that will help you handle what is here. You become a self-sustaining, regenerating, extraordinarily beautiful electrical energetic flowing system.

Here’s how you can begin to tend to your electrical and energetic system in times of increased stress:

  • Take what is not essential off your plate. You don’t need to do it all while your system is already overworking.
  • Create a practice of coating your exposed electrical wires aka taking care of your nervous system. All those years of carrying wounds have overloaded your nervous system and created erosions and exposed wires. Practicing EFT Tapping can begin to re-coat your wiring with a soothing layer through your loving gaze and awareness. If you are living with energetic wounds or in other words if you are a trauma survivor, I strongly suggest that you learn EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). You can download a free EFT Tapping Meditation here that will teach you the basics and you can use it every single day to strengthen your wiring.
  • Trust that all of this is happening not to you but for you. Every time our energetic and electrical systems get overloaded it is an opportunity to upgrade your hardware and software with new practices and an updated outlook on life. Think of this time as a welcome learning challenge. Trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
  • Pay attention to your dreams. In times of potent growth, you need to pay attention to what your inner guidance is trying to communicate with you. I have been having the same themed dream since the coronavirus news started which is telling me that there is something here for me to learn and grow into. Pay attention to the repeated symbols in your dreams knowing that everything you see and what they mean will be unique to you. Just ask your intuition right after you wake up to know without a doubt what the symbolism means for you. You can also ask to dream about a question or a solution that you need right before going to bed. I am talking about how to receive dream guidance here.
  • Clear your electrical and energetic pathways. Take your energetic and electrical health seriously. All of my private sessions work on exactly this: clearing your energetic pathways and strengthening your electrical signal. I especially recommend that you consider booking a Sonic Meridian Flush which is designed to open up your meridians and boost your electrical signal. All my private sessions can be booked as an online video chat. This is a wonderful time to invest in your energetic and electrical health. Learn more about my private healing sessions here. Right now I am running a promotion and you can book all my sessions with my 2019 pricing until the end of May 2020.
  • Boost the amount of electricity you are carrying. Medical Medium Anthony William has a beautiful resource on choosing electrically nourishing foods and letting go of what rubs you of precious life energy. In short, this means choosing foods that are rich in electrons such as fresh and raw fruits and vegetables and letting go of foods that overload your system and rub you of electricity such as processed foods and foods high in fat.
  • Get out and get some sun. Sun is beaming down electrons and electricity on us every single day. Take advantage of it and fill your system with the healing rays of the sun.
  • Get grounded. Take your shoes off or invest in electrically grounding shoes or sandals that are made up of conductive materials, that will allow you to really ground and receive free electrons from the Earth. Underneath your feet and in your palms, you have special electron receiving capability. If you have rubber-soled shoes, just press your palms on Earth whenever you can however long you can. I am talking more about earthing here.
  • Become an expert in self-healing. This is your body. This is your life. You have to learn how to re-mother and re-father yourself. You have to learn how to tend to your needs with or without help. You have to realize that all of this is a practice and a process. You may feel horrible one day and uplifted on another. You’ll need quiet contemplation and the right tools to know what you need when. Quiet contemplation may look like a few rounds of EFT, time spent outside or sitting on your couch with a warm tea, or it could be taking 10 minutes to sit and simply breathe. In that contemplation, you’ll get to see what is rising up to the surface, what needs a loving gaze, what you can let go and in what areas you could use some help. Here’s a free meditation to help you connect with your inner child and figure out what she/he needs most today.

If you need help navigating this time, feeling grounded, and tending to your energetic and electrical health, contact me.

With love, light, and gratitude,


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