Here’s what I am doing to stay sane, loving and graceful during my quarantine time. Please share in the comments your unique and most life-affirming ways to stay grounded at this time.

  • I exercise, stretch and get outside. I am doing a 30-minute barre/pilates workout in the morning and a 30-40 minute yoga in the evening (with my subscription). I am also allowing myself to skip a workout when I don’t feel like it or if I am moving through my moon cycle when my energy is usually low. We are so lucky to live in an area with lots of trees and beautiful roads to walk in. We take advantage of it daily to soak up the sun. Some days, when the temperature feels comfy, I meditate or read sitting outside which is so delicious.
  • I am closely monitoring my own nervous system. I am taking breaks, practicing EFT and meditation, making time for naps and doing salt baths whenever I can. I am truly taking it one day and one breath at a time, treating this time as a tremendous opportunity for soul growth.
  • I am also monitoring my family’s nervous system and supporting them with all my Healer tools. Last week my daughter started to cry just as she was about to go to sleep saying ‘Mom, what if I get sick and accidentally make you sick and then you and dad die?’ She is only 7 years old and although we are really careful not to repeat or watch the news around her, she knows exactly what’s happening and has every right to feel the way she feels. We tapped together until her tears dried and the intensity of her anxiety and stress fell from 10 to 0. This is also proving to be a time where I get to enjoy her company immensely and guide her through her emotional landscape which I am truly grateful for.
  • We alternate our work and keep revisiting our boundaries. My husband has the mornings to do his work while I watch my daughter and guide her schoolwork. I have the evenings to do my work, although I can fit in small things here and there while my daughter does her schoolwork. We alternate making breakfast, I make lunch and he makes dinner. Some days if he is busier, I pick up the afternoon shift too. On other days he gives me a break. We also constantly communicate about our expectations, boundaries and false stories in our relationship and clear the air.
  • I rely on my intuition every single day. This time is another reminder that consulting my intuition, connecting with my soul and the soul of life all around me is not optional, it is an absolute necessity.
  • I pay attention to my dreams. Last night in my dream I suddenly find myself in a Plácido Domingo concert. I woke up repeating his name and the guidance was ‘look up the meaning’. Plácido means calm and peaceful. Domingo means lord or master of something. The very clear message was that we are all called to be masters of calm and peace during this time of our lives.
  • I ask for clear guidance before I get up from my bed. Within the quiet connection to my soul in the space between dreaming and being awake, I ask my soul and soul helpers, what I need to prioritize that particular day and what I need to be aware of. Some days it is about me drinking more water, some days it is taking the time to be with my daughter, some days it is about a particular thing I am working on with regards to my online business. Some days it sharing something important with my community. And some days it is a combination of a little bit of everything.
  • I limit my exposure to the news. I check the news once in the morning and once before bedtime. My husband and I keep each other informed of what we see, sometimes we catch different news than each other and let each other know.
  • I share what I feel is useful, uplifting, and necessary. I have shared two free meditations with my community, which I feel would be powerful for anyone who adds them to their life. I share any local resources or information that I feel is relevant in my social media, and most days I just want to share what I’ve always shared with you: things, thoughts, words, resources that can help you on your healing journey and may take you one step further.
  • We call, text, and connect with our family and friends every single day. Now more than ever. A single SMS with a funny picture is enough to uplift a day. I am also truly grateful for our connection through social media and to be able to share our resources as well as our experiences.
  • I am truly grateful. I feel so incredibly lucky for all that we have in our lives. Every single night I fall asleep with a single mantra ‘I am infinitely grateful’ and I let the words sink deep into my bones, pores and energy field.
  • I continue to work on what matters to me. I am continuing to improve my website, message, offerings, and my communication with you. I have quite a few exciting things lined up that I am so excited to share with you soon. This is what brings life to my veins, sharing what I know as a Healer and making the tools, practices, experiences that I know are healing and life-changing with more people and in deeper ways. Please stay tuned, and if you haven’t already, sign up to my email list here.
With love, light, and gratitude,

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