Month: April 2021

Resistance To Healing

In this video, I am explaining how resistance to healing or fear of vulnerability and change may show up for you as we work together. I am also sharing strategies on how to overcome it.

Resistance to healing is real. The good news is it is a part of your healing process. In fact, the bigger the resistance, the greater your potential find relief, expansion and growth through our work together. There are ways to support your nervous system as you go through a deeper healing journey. It is your responsibility to calm down your nervous system and take care of your container (your body) while we work together.

The meditation I am sharing below is a great resource to help you become present to all the physical and emotional waves that rise up during a healing journey. Practicing it daily will help you with letting go of your resistance and releasing any judgement, labeling or fear related to your healing.



Private Sessions Explained

In this video, I am explaining what to expect in my private healing sessions. When people hear the word ‘healing’ they assume that it will be a silent meditative experience. While I do offer that for certain circumstances and in other formats (explained in the video), my one-on-one process as a healer is a collaborative, co-creative, interactive one where my main job is to guide and coach you in getting in touch with and healing your energetic wounds.



I Am Learning

I am learning that my healing is not a destination, it is a journey worth taking a million times over.

I am learning that everything has its own timing.

I am learning that my body is a sacred divine partner of my soul.

I am learning how hard it is to let go of fear and to trust that all that is happening in me and to me is happening for me.

I am learning to choose love over forcing and controlling.

I am learning that although my mind feels like a minefield sometimes, it is OK to feel into what I feel and allow life to flow.

I am learning that I can’t fly before I walk.

I am learning patience, trust, and surrendering over and over and over again.

I am learning that even though sometimes I feel like I walk alone, my ancestors are behind me, my soul tribe is right next to me, and an awakened young life is before me, in all I do I am never alone.

I am learning that silence helps me process and talking lets me alchemize.

I am learning that what I thought were wounds are gifts from the universe to make me fall deeper in love with all there is and all there ever will be.

I am learning that when I heal my wounds I am healing all of us.

I am learning that at the end of unfolding each and every wound is a pocket of love so immense it tears your heart wide open and shines your soul out into the multiverse.

If you need help with healing your energetic wounds, I am here to help.

With love and light,


Why do you need regular energy clearing and maintenance?

In this video, I am explaining why you need regular energy clearing and maintenance.

Why do you need regular energy clearing and maintenance? Because you are a changing and evolving soup of energy who lives in a soup of energy. It is natural for our systems to go out of tune and coherence through our daily lives. Just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower, your energy system needs daily clearing and maintenance.

I am offering energy clearing through Monthly and Mini Energy Tune-Ups in the Chakra Bliss Vault Membership. These are like vacuuming your house for daily maintenance. It feels good and fresh afterwards.

Monthly Focused Healings go deeper than that and help you open the cupboards (chakras, energetic wounds, stuck places in you) you haven’t looked at and tended to in a while. The focused healings help you take out what is not needed, organize what stays, and bring light and expansion to ALL parts of your home (aka your being).

All of this and more is available at the Chakra Bliss Vault Energy Healing Membership.


The Weight Of The Pandemic

You are here. You are surviving a global pandemic. It is heavy. It is really hard.

You are operating in a new normal. Brain fog, not being able to focus, not feeling 100% present, depression, sadness, anger, worry, and fear are here in varying degrees and getting louder every time you turn on the news. It is not just what is happening today. Everything you haven’t had a chance to deal with and heal is coming up to the surface. You feel like you have used up all your energetic reserves already. You are running on empty, pushing through each day, and missing the way things were or could have been.

Here’s what I want you to know:

There is hope. There is love. Healing is within your reach.

You have a life spark in you that keeps your body breathing. You don’t need to know or do anything other than this: become a fierce protector of this spark of yours. It is your job to tend to this spark, preserve it, nurture it, and help it shine brighter.

I put together a loving and gentle energy healing container for you to do just that:

Chakra Bliss Vault Energy Healing Membership

Every month, I share three new healings to help you clear what may be in the way of shining your light. I am also sharing all my energy healing recording library in the Vault. The truth is, I created this container because I needed it. I have been feeling a strong need to be simply held in love ever since the pandemic started.

All the healings I share are silent crystal healing sessions with a soothing music. There is no guided meditation, no instruction other than simply being and allowing your spark to get brighter.

This is your chance to begin to process the collective trauma of the pandemic by letting yourself be held in love and and begin to tend to your energetic wounds that the pandemic has awakened in you.


With love, light, and gratitude,


Susan Burrell – Healing Through Hearing Guidance

In this Conversations With Healers episode, my guest is Susan Burrell, Intuitive Healer and Spiritual Guide, author of Life Your Empowered Life – A 30-Day Journey Book, and the host of Empowering Chats With Susan Burrell Podcast. Susan and I had an amazing conversation about:

  • Her healing story and how she re-discovered her intuitive hearing abilities that were suppressed,
  • What it means to live your empowered life,
  • How meditation, journaling, and affirmations can create long-lasting shifts and transformation in your life,
  • And more.

My favorite healing nugget from Susan isI didn’t realize that I had been listening (to my intuition) my entire life. I just simply wasn’t allowing it. Now I do.”

You can find out more about Susan and her work at her website, Instagram, and on Facebook. Check out her amazing book Live An Empowered Life – 30 Day Journey Book. You can also sample her beautiful guided meditations on YouTube and on the Insight Timer meditation app for free. You can join Susan and I in the virtual Live Your Empowered Life Healing Retreat on April 23 to 25, 2021 (use promotion code LYEL10 for 10% off). Through energy healing sessions, guided meditations, and gentle movement, you will experience a new way to step into your power.

If this conversation touched you in any way, inspired you, or spoke to you, please share it. You can share it in a conversation, post about it on Facebook or Instagram, or email or text it to your friends and family. We truly appreciate your support in spreading the love and light that we hope to create with these conversations!

Listen to other episodes here.

Take this quiz to determine what your energetic wounds are and how they show up in your life.

Subscribe here for future episodes and to receive a mini-email course to help you learn more about your energetic wounds.

With love and light,


(Photo Credit for Damla: Eye Sugar Photography)