Self Healing Journey Map

In this video, I am explaining what to expect in your healing journey through the Self-Healing Journey Map and how to navigate this journey.

Every single part of your journey is valuable. Finding out where you are will give you an idea of why you are experiencing what you are experiencing. The key to remember is that we all go through this map multiple times. Please be gentle and kind with yourself wherever you are in your healing journey while taking the next steps.

Where are you in your healing journey? Please share in the comments below after watching this video.

Take Your Energetic Wound QUIZ to find out what your wounds are and how they may show up in your life.

Learn more about the Chakra Bliss Vault Crystal Healing Membership to clear, ground, transform, expand, and nourish your energy system with easy to access and follow crystal energy healing sessions and more. 

Haley Lusk – Healing With Plant Alchemy

In this Conversations With Healers episode, my guest is Haley Lusk, Vitalist Clinical Herbalist, Fertility Awareness Educator, The Founder of Becoming Sovereign Herbal Apothecary and a Healer. Haley works with the magic of the plants and cosmos through herbal alchemy to help you create the life and health you deserve, unapologetically.

We talked about what plant alchemy is, what plants and crystals have in common, how to begin connecting and healing with plants and herbs (what to do and what not to do), herbal astrology, and more.

You can find out more about Haley and her work at her website: Haley is offering a free quiz on what plant spirit might be guiding you. Take the quiz here:

With love and light,


Allow yourself to be tired

I am tired of the constant trauma and drama of our times.

I am going to allow myself to be tired today. Tomorrow’s another day.

I’ll allow myself to be unfinished, incomplete, and a work-in-progress.

I’ll let myself feel the weight in my heart today. I’ll become one with that weight. I’ll listen to her stories of deep sorrow.

I’ll ignore my to do list today. It can wait another day.

I’ll give myself freshly laundered sheets today. I’ll get enveloped under the covers, curl into a ball, and let my crystals heal me.

I’ll give up my expectations, solutions, worries, and desires today.

I’ll allow this day to be easy. I’ll breathe. I’ll listen. I’ll long for better times and at the same time deeply know that I get to hug and cradle these uneasy times.

I’ll let these times bend me, engage me, move through me, and sometimes overrun me.

I’ll rest in the heart of the divine today, letting the universal Mother feel my heartbeat, and give me sweet comfort.

And I’ll wake up tomorrow. I’ll do my healings tomorrow. I’ll do my soul practices tomorrow.

And I still won’t know how to be with all of this, how to heal all of this, and how to knit back so many broken hearts.

But I will continue to do what I can, with what I have, with all my being. I’ll rise. I’ll move through my day. I’ll know that I am not meant to know everything. I am not meant to heal everyone.

I’ll feel what I feel.

I’ll let the world touch me, breathe me, move me, create through me, and overwhelm me.

I’ll get tired. I’ll take a day off. I’ll start over another day.

I hope you can join me in allowing yourself to feel what you feel and be tired.

I hope you can find a way to nourish yourself today.

I hope you can have the courage to find ways to honor what you need.

I hope you can take a few deep breaths, slowly, gently, and lovingly.

I hope we can all move through these times with presence and love.

With love and light,


DNA Trauma – Healing Energetic Wounding

On this episode of the Genetic Genius Podcast, I talk to Dr. Lulu Shimek about how to heal energetic wounding with regular self-healing, crystals, and how tending to the layers of your needs expands your container for deep trauma healing.

Here are some of the healing topics we chat about on the show:

1. How does trauma affect our body energetically and hinder our spiritual growth?

2. Does trauma instill limiting beliefs on our healing process?

3. Is trauma multi-layered and faceted?

4. How does trauma affect the cellular or genetic blueprint?

5. How can we work on our body, mind and spirit to start to release layers of trauma?

6. What does it mean to work with the inner child and how does this work help to release trauma?

7. What is crystal therapy and how does it work on a basic healing level?

8. How can we use crystal therapy to open the doorway to healing trauma?

9. How can regular self-healing help us to stay more grounded, centered and open?

We all need a lot more kindness

We all need a lot more kindness.

Yesterday my email exploded (aka it stopped working after working fine for 10+ years). After spending 3 hours on the phone with my email hosting company and trying a million things in between my actual work, I was completely overwhelmed. I could feel my body not having the resources to carry this charge. So at 9pm after another hourlong help desk call, I asked my husband to hold my hand. He listened as I explained the situation and tapped (). He then asked what he could do. I said ‘can you please reflect back to me what I just said?’ And he said ‘I see that you have explored lots of options and you are doing an amazing job handling this.’

That’s when I started to cry. Because that is my wound, my pattern. In all this I somehow think I am not being or doing enough. So I cried while I tapped (). I let my inner child fully express herself. After 10 minutes she was calm and I was calm. I actually went back to check my email. My husband helped me do a few more tests. It is working now albeit slow for some reason I can’t figure out. This morning I woke up to a single important email that was in my inbox. Like a shiny gift waiting for me.

All this to say that whatever you are dealing with, I bet you can use some kindness today. I bet you could look yourself in the mirror and say ‘you are doing an amazing job’. And perhaps you can consider asking someone to hold your hand, listen to you deeply and reflect back to you what your inner child needs to hear. .

With lots of love,


P. S.

Here’s what has been giving me joy lately


(also wonderful for for natural hormone balancing)

P. S. too

Here are some for your healing journey.

Join me on , , and for energetic wound healing inspiration.​

Inner Child Healing And The Magic Of Crystals

I had an amazing conversation with Mick and Xzavia. Listen to find out more about inner child healing and the magic of crystals.