Dishes And Enlightenment

Here’s a picture of my kitchen where lately I have been wondering if Dalai Lama ever filled and emptied a dishwasher and if he could have remained enlightened during the pandemic if he did 🧐. As we move through these times, I am finding more and more that self-healing is no longer an optional luxury. How you tend to yourself determines the quality of your life – and how you do your dishes.

Self-healing I am talking about is not self-curing. It is bringing your body, emotions, and energy back into balance again and again and again. You can work with a Healer like me to . But a daily self-healing practice is a must not only for your well-being but for maintaining a healthy relationship with everyone and everything around you -including the dishes.

Here are a few things that I currently love and are helping me with tending to my needs:

If you need help with daily self-healing, check out the , where you can find crystal healing sessions to help you add more balance into your life. Even if you only have 5 minutes to yourself, you can make it infinitely more potent with crystal healing.

With love, light, and lots of gratitude,


P. S. I have been working on my next journal project: 40 Days Of Gratitude. I will tell you more about it soon. In the meantime, you can check out my other .

The Inner Journey Of Healing

I have been thinking a lot about inner journeys. Ultimately, self-healing is an inner journey, one that you get to take over and over again. You don’t wake up one day and you are done healing. In fact for me it often goes like this:

  • I wake up. Despite nine hours of sleep, I haven’t rested. I feel some sort of discomfort, unease, or anxiety already brewing and stirring in me.
  • I get myself downstairs to drink water or have a bite while I feed my cat and daughter at the same time.
  • Before I work, I stop. I pay attention. I ask myself what I need. Some days I sit in meditation. Other days I do EFT Tapping. Mostly, I just listen to a Monthly Energy Tune-Up from the , where I know I will be held in unconditional love. I either sit in seated meditation or curl up in a fetal position in my bed (depending on the kind of day) while I listen. If I don’t have 30 minutes, I listen to the 5 Minutes of Meeting Your Energetic Needs Mini Energy Tune Up. I get calm, my tension dissolves in small waves. I can breathe again. I listen for inner guidance. I ask for the next small step. I hear the soul of life cheering me on. I am ready to take on the day.
  • I can finally get to work, write, share, feel, and heal others, and support my family’s and my physical, emotional, and energetic needs. Then I feel depleted again.
  • Then I pause and ask myself what I need again…

So the cycle continues. There is no end. The healing is constant. I breathe, I notice, I love and I adjust my energy and outlook, and I keep breathing.

I know that every little bit of self-healing I can do will be helpful. I know that it matters that I take the time to calm down the roaring waves of my nervous system. I know that even if it doesn’t feel like I am making a huge jump, having a great aha moment, or I may or may not feel good again the next morning, my healing adds up drop by drop and I am progressing in a pattern.

This is all that I ask of myself these days: pay attention, make time for self-healing, and keep making progress small bit by small bit.

This is all that you need to do to start to heal: pause, breathe, notice, and love. There is no destination, only the journey of learning to hold yourself in more and more tenderness every time you need to be held.

If you would like to be held in love while you breathe and listen within, check out the .

With love, light, and deep gratitude,


Empath Tip To Survive Social Overload

If you are an empath struggling to get back to a social life, this is for you. I am on the same boat with you. When I spend time with a friend who sighs a lot, I start to sigh a lot. When I spend time with a friend who stutters, I start to stutter. Over the years I found that protecting myself is less powerful than letting it happen and flow through and out of me. My body works by empathizing with others and embodying what they may be sensing and feeling, which is my super power. Instead of closing myself off to an interaction, I imagine myself to be porous (which we all are on a subatomic level) and let everything flow through and out of me.

If you need extra help, I highly recommend you to download the Allow Life To Flow EFT Tapping Meditation I am sharing freely here. Regardless of whether you are an empath or not, it will help you safely process and move through any new sensations, emotions, thoughts, and vibrations you are experiencing.

With lots of love,


Carlos Perez – Healing With Sound And Fire

In this Conversations With Healers episode, my guest is Carlos Perez, Certified Chiropractor, Sound Therapist, Shamanic Practitioner, Fire Walk Instructor, Holistic Healer and Soul Whisperer. Carlos and I had a beautiful conversation about:

  • Sound healing and various sound healing tools,
  • The element of fire and how it comes alive in and around us,
  • Fire walking and fire purification journeys,
  • Being a healer and a parent, and what our children can teach us,
  • And more.

My favorite healing nugget from Carlos is “You are magic. You have so much in your story to give to the world. And you are not alone. In order to get, you have to ask. The people will show up in ways you can never imagine.”

You can find out more about Carlos and his work at his website, on Facebook, through his Facebook Group, and on Instagram. You can download a free singing bowl sound meditation from Carlos at this link.

If this conversation touched you in any way, inspired you, or spoke to you, please share it. You can share it in a conversation, post about it on Facebook or Instagram, or email or text it to your friends and family. We truly appreciate your support in spreading the love and light that we hope to create with these conversations!

Listen to other episodes here.

Take this quiz to determine what your energetic wounds are and how they show up in your life.

Subscribe here for future episodes and to receive a mini-email course to help you learn more about your energetic wounds.

With love and light,


(Photo Credit for Damla: Eye Sugar Photography)



My Intuitive Process Revealed

I had a wonderful conversation with Emily A. Francis where I revealed a lot about my intuitive process during my private healing sessions. If you are curious on what to expect or to understand how I add intuitive guidance to my healing sessions, this is a must listen.