This week – amazing offer coming soon, how I meditate with crystals, loving yourself unconditionally, new year new word, and more

Happy -almost- new year!

My online course Crystal Healing Simplified will be launched with an amazing offer on January 1st! Please stay tuned! I have been living and breathing crystal healing meditation for the last 8+ years. This course is the result of hours and hours of self-practice and healing hundreds of one-on-one and group clients with crystals. I am teaching you everything you need to know to deepen your crystal healing experience and learn to create crystal healing magic.

Watch the 5-part Crystal Healing Myths video series where I demystify crystal healing concepts that no longer make sense to me.

Take a look at my online course Crystal Healing Simplified where I teach you step by step how to partner with crystals and dive deeper into crystal healing magic.

I will be sharing an unbelievable offer with you on January 1st, stay tuned!

One of my favorite ways to experience crystal healing is to look at a crystal and imagine that she is a reflection of my inner crystalline structure. When I hold a rose quartz in my hand looking at her crystalline structure, I notice the seemingly random lines and spaces that have formed inside her. As I look at her I realize that I am looking at myself. Looking at her is like seeing into the crystalline structures and fascia that are inside of me. I marvel at the light information that got quickened and formed herself into this seemingly solid beingness so that I now have the chance to hold myself in my hand as her. This rose quartz is me. I am her. We are one. Now that we’ve truly seen into each other and understood who and what we are, our conversation with each other and the universe can begin.

I joined Salma Chellal in conversation alongside other inspiring speakers from across the globe for an interview series called Love Yourself UnconditionallyThis is your invitation to embark on an empowering personal experience into a world of love and acceptance for who you are.

REGISTER HERE by December 29 to save your seat!

Here are my favorite self-care tools for tending to your body and tissue. If you love massage, you’ll love these.


Time to select your word for the new year! Your word of the year is a one word vibration to summarize what you would like to live, embody and experience in 2021. My word for 2021 is enchantment, which means a feeling of great delight. I am holding the intention to keep coming back to feeling good and delighted no matter what. What’s your word?

With love, light, and gratitude,


Crystal Healing Myths Explained

This week I shared a 5-part video series on crystal healing myths. I’ve covered a whole array of crystal healing concepts that don’t make sense to me any more. You’ll find answers to the following questions and more when you watch:

  • How is crystal healing magic created?
  • What crystal or crystals do I need for specific purposes?
  • Can crystal healing solve all my problems and cure all my ailments?
  • How many crystals do I need?
  • How large of a crystal should I get?
  • Do I need to know all about crystals to experience crystal healing magic?

Disclaimer: My answers may surprise you.


If you haven’t done so yet, I encourage you to take this fun quiz to discover your crystal healing personality. At the end of the quiz, I have some recommendations on how you can deepen your crystal healing experience whether you are a beginner, somewhere in the middle or a full-on crystal enthusiast!


Crystal Healing Simplified is an online course that is the cultivation of my personal healing practice as well as healing hundreds of people one on one and in group healings since 2012. This course demystifies what crystal healing is and isn’t, and gives you a roadmap on how to clear, care for, activate and partner and co-create with your crystals.

P. S. I will be sharing an amazing offer with you in the new year. Stay tuned!


This week – soul project, the gift of giving, things that fill my heart and make me laugh, and more

What I want to share with you

My soul project Crystal Healing Simplified Online Course is all done! I will launch it very soon with an amazing unexpected offer. But for now, check out what it is all about.

I had a small injury that made me pause. I am doing well and really appreciate all that my body does for me.

The gift of giving

40 Days of Shanti Mantra Journal is the perfect gift for anyone you know who would love to add more peace and serenity into their life.

I recently designed some beautiful mantra-inspired physical goods with you in mind. They are perfect for the spiritual seeker in your life.

Check out my all time favorite healing tools and see my recommendations for crystal healing, mantra practice, body care, blue-light-filtering, oracle card decks, and more.

Gift certificates are available upon request for all my healing sessions and online courses.

Things that fill my heart

Being part of the Voices From the Heart Virtual Choir has been one of the saving graces for me during the pandemic. I love this beautiful community of 200+ women who come together to sing, share their stories, and uplift each other. Here’s the song that we recorded as our year-end performance. Listen to the words with your heart and see if you can find me in the video.

Things that make me smile and (sometimes) laugh out loud

My new favorite reality show

A giraffe drinking water

These three guinea pigs

This Instagram account

My favorite comedy movies for an indoor movie date

This new gluten-free cookie recipe that I made with my daughter

What makes you smile and laugh, and what fills your heart right now?

With love, light, and blessings,


What To Look For In A Healer

Here’s what I would like you to know about choosing a healer. What matters most isn’t how their website looks or their impressive credentials or their price. What matters most is whether this person is right for you to work with right now. The only way to know that is by following and trusting the signs of your intuition.

The most important thing is the body sensation you get when you encounter them or their work. Your intuition knows if this is the right person for you. Trust your body to communicate your intuition to you with your bodily sensations. View their work online and watch your body and emotions. If possible, meet them and do the same. That will tell you all you need to know whether to work with a healer or not.

If you would like some left brain focused strategies to choose your healer, here they are:

  • Read their bio and look for years of experience.
  • Look for an indication that what they do isn’t just a hobby for them. It is their full-time job, their life’s work, their calling, and they are full-heartedly dedicated to it.
  • Read their reviews.
  • Notice the ways they have made it easy for you to understand and register for what they offer.
  • Sign up to their newsletter and watch what they share for a few weeks to get a better sense of what they are about.
  • Make a list of all your questions and write to them or meet with them to get answers.

If you are still not sure, ask for a clear sign. Ask for a dream, a note from the universe, or consult your pendulum or do muscle testing (if not sure how to do both see my intuition online course on how to use them to get in touch with your intuition). The thing with clear signs is that once you get them, you need to act on them.

Please don’t delay your healing. It matters that you breathe easily and your life flows much more freely. It doesn’t have to be me, find any healer that you know can help you and start to work with them. You can listen to my podcast Conversations With Healers to see if you resonate with anybody.

Always keep in mind that all healing is self-healing. When choosing a healer you are choosing someone to embody and mirror your own inner healer. Choose wisely!

If you’d like to find out how I can help you start and deepen healing your energetic wounds, let’s chat

With love and light,


One Dominant Wound

Listen to my conversation with Sheila Botelho for The Connect PodcastSheila has an amazing capability to bring out the nectar in a conversation. Here’s Sheila’s summary of what we talked about:

“Because life is generous, you’re given one dominant wound to work with at a particular time in your life. You may get to an understanding and flow about that wound, and then move to another as you grow.” -Damla Aktekin

She thought she was doing it right.

Damla Aktekin was in a successful career, working hard towards what she thought life expected of her. And then a serious medical emergency changed everything and split her life wide open.

Damla Aktekin, Healer, Coach, and Writer joins me on the podcast to share more of the story.

In This Episode You Will Hear about:

– The catalysts of her health emergency and hitting rock-bottom as a new mom

– What energetic wounds are and how to heal them

– How she transitioned her healing journey into a business

– What it means to run a business intuitively

– Tools to help cross personal and professional hurdles you may be facing.

Damla helps other self-healers and healers move beyond their energetic wounds to shine brighter than they thought possible so that they can fully show up in their lives to heal themselves, their families and their soul-tribe.


Ginny Jablonski – Discovering The Healer That You Are

In this Conversations With Healers episode, my guest is Ginny Jablonski, Intuitive Healer, Animal Communicator, Horse Medicine Facilitator, Inspirational Speaker, Author, and Opioid Crisis Advocate. During our conversation, Ginny has openly and honestly shared her fascinating journey of self-healing and becoming a healer. We talked about:

  • Ginny’s story of debilitating illness which led to a near-death experience (NDE),
  • Her discovery of new healing abilities after her NDE and her search for understanding what was happening to her, which led to being trained in multiple healing methods and systems,
  • How animal communication and healing came into the picture for her,
  • How she found the need to let go of being confined by what she had learned so she could open up to what was here and now for her and her clients,
  • How it feels to work with people with multiple energetic wounds and how a healer can make a difference in their healing,
  • What she feels we can do to help heal our animals,
  • Our cat Marmalade’s surprise entry in the middle of our talk, demanding our attention and a spontaneous reading from Ginny (Marmalade normally never does this!).
  • And more.

My favorite healing nugget from Ginny is “I set the intention for my life and my healing journey by embodying the true desire for all beings to be healed, for all people to forgive one another, for the Earth to be brought into balance, for humans to be brought into balance not only with one another but with the planet.”

You can find out more about Ginny and her work at her website where she is sharing a lot of resources on healing animals and humans, holistic animal care, and near-death experiences. Ginny talked about this book and how it helped her set her intention to become a healer.

If this conversation touched you in any way, inspired you, or spoke to you, please share it. You can share it in a conversation, post about it on Facebook or Instagram, or email or text it to your friends and family. We truly appreciate your support in spreading the love and light that we hope to create with these conversations.

Listen to other episodes here.

Take this quiz to determine what your energetic wounds are and how they show up in your life.

Subscribe here for future episodes and to receive a mini-email course to help you learn more about your energetic wounds.

With love and light,


(Photo Credit for Damla: Eye Sugar Photography)



Gratitude Is…

There is so much said and written about gratitude. Here’s what is coming through in my heart about it right now:

Gratitude is being aware of the magnificence that you are and seeing that same magnificence everywhere you look.

Gratitude is forgiving who you are, where you live, what you did or do just because you can.

Gratitude is unconditional love, seeing beauty and potential everywhere you look.

Gratitude is becoming an ally to your deepest shadows, your challenges and all your wounds, and thanking them for contributing to your aliveness.

Gratitude is knowing that no one who ever lived had access to this much information, this many tools and teachers ever in their lives. You get to create your own healing toolbox just the way you like.

Gratitude is taking a step back and becoming aware of your patterns, loving the beauty of how life operates, choosing new life-affirming vibrations with every breath.

Gratitude is self-healing, knowing your worth, knowing everyone and every being’s worth.

Gratitude surrounds you if you know where to look.

Gratitude is infectious.

Hope you get to spread gratitude like confetti this holiday season.

With love, light, and gratitude,


Melanie Weller – Vagus Nerve And Healing With Stories

In this Conversations With Healers episode, my guest is Melanie Weller, Physical Therapist, Board-Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist, Certified Athletic Trainer, Certified Exercise Expert For Aging Adults and vagus nerve and human body story-teller and expert. I have found her approach of looking for stories within the body fascinating. Melanie and I talked about:

  • Her story of owning her intuition and adding it to her clinical practice,
  • How Melanie began to recognize the stories, myths, elements of astrology, and imagery within the anatomy of the body,
  • How the stories of our bodies are expressed in the cosmos (like a fractal) and vice versa,
  • The role that the vagus nerve plays in our well-being and how to work with it to return to alignment,
  • The story of Osiris and Isis, and how sometimes we need to fall apart to be reborn in a new way,
  • And much more.

My favorite healing nugget from Melanie is “Using stories for healing is like speaking to your body in its original language. It is literally how the cosmos is coded into us and how we are a fractal of the cosmos.”

You can find out more about Melanie and her work at her website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Melanie is offering a free Vagus Nerve Decompression Course that teaches you how to bring wellness to this important body channel. Check her website and social media for updates on her book release.

If this conversation touched you in any way, inspired you, or spoke to you, please share it. You can share it in a conversation, post about it on Facebook or Instagram, or email or text it to your friends and family. We truly appreciate your support in spreading the love and light that we hope to create with these conversations.

Listen to other episodes here.

Take this quiz to determine what your energetic wounds are and how they show up in your life.

Subscribe here for future episodes and to receive a mini-email course to help you learn more about your energetic wounds.

With love and light,


(Photo Credit for Damla: Eye Sugar Photography)



Feeling At Home

Close your eyes and think of the first place that comes to your mind where you have felt completely at home, safe, calm, nourished, and supported. Just by being in this place, you feel stronger and like you can accomplish, get through, and over anything in the world. That place is your querencia.

I was introduced to this word and concept this week during my virtual choir practice. For those of you who may not know it, I have been a Soprano in choirs on and off since college. My current choir is Voices From The Heart, the name truly does this amazing group justice. In our virtual gatherings, we sing together, then connect through some talking points and writing exercises. This week’s writing exercise was all about querencia.

Querencia is a Spanish word that comes from querer or to want or desire. Here’s how Ernest Hemingway describes it in his 1932 book Death In The Afternoon: “A querencia is a place the bull naturally wants to go to in the ring, a preferred locality… It is a place which develops in the course of the fight where the bull makes his home. It does not usually show at once, but develops in his brain as the fight goes on. In this place he feels that he has his back against the wall and in his querencia he is inestimably more dangerous and almost impossible to kill.”

To give you an idea of how this concept may apply to you, sharing my querencias here:

  • the stillness within me, the one I practice connecting with every day in meditation and self-healing.
  • my grandmother’s house, sleeping under the heavy-woolen comforter she set over us children, feeling the warmth of the wooden oven (pechka), and inhaling the delicious aromas of her food.
  • being in saltwater, swimming, sitting by, being near the sea, taking a warm salt bath in my home, or at my favorite outdoor warm spa in Canada.
  • connecting with the people I love, hugging, talking, laughing together, sharing our inner and outer lives.
  • feeling the life and the beauty of Earth, in the special places that call out to me, where the Earth or previous generations have left gifts for us to enjoy, lying down on the grass, walking barefoot on sand, appreciating centuries of prayers in Hagia Sophia, touching the Earth at America’s Stone Henge.
  • feeling the life that is here and now, sitting on my favorite spot on our couch with my daughter and cat climbing over me, sitting in my meditation nook with my crystals, sleeping under the safety and warmth of my comforter.

It feels like we are all going through an inner and outer fight these days. Sometimes we are not even sure what we are fighting and why. This certainly feels like the perfect time to remember and re-member the feeling of being at home.

I invite you to take a moment to close your eyes and imagine yourself in your querencia. Better yet, take yourself to your favorite sanctuary spot right within your home while you do this. Your querencia can be just one place or it can be all the places where you have ever felt at home. If you find yourself listing more than one place, feel into what all these places have in common. How do they make you feel? Are they indoors or outdoors? Is there any other quality, memory, or sensation that connects them? Feel deeply into how you have felt in your querencias and bring them right here into your heart space.

Our querencias, whether they are inside us or outside, are sanctuaries. Just like the bull in a fighting arena, they give us a chance to catch our breath, regroup ourselves and take on life again with greater resolve.

Your querencia is a place you cultivate with your intention and attention. You can make any place sacred with your loving intention and attention. If you look closely within, you’ll find that all the places you’ve ever felt at home have been living within you all along and waiting for you to stop by and visit them to give you more strength.

With love, light, and deep gratitude,


This week – new crystal healing quiz, favorite show, talking to water, and more

I created a brand new and really fun quiz for you: . I hope you enjoy taking it as much as I enjoyed creating it. Take it, share it, and let me know what your result is!

You can check out some information about my upcoming online course . I wanted to give you a quick taste of what it will be about. I will keep updating this page as I continue to put the finishing touches on the course.

Watching and loving the new season of the . It is amazing to watch people create loving masterpieces. As a healer, I especially love watching how the contestants deal with stress, criticism, and leaving the show. Hint: those who have tended to their energetic wounds are much more resilient and optimistic than those who haven’t.

To start my day gently supporting my body, I am drinking water with the juice of half a lemon and some honey in the mornings, 30 minutes before my breakfast, which is usually . As I stir my water, I usually hold out one hand above it, sending love and healing into it and to all the waters in my home and beyond. If you’d like to learn more about how talking and sending your thoughts to water affects it, .

With love, light, and gratitude,


November’s group healing is all about trusting the process of life. To be perfectly honest, I designed and timed this one to coincide with the aftermath of the elections in the US. No matter who you vote for and what the outcome is, this will be a chance to set aside one hour from your life and remember (re-member and embody) that life is happening for you and not to you and everything is an opportunity for growth. A recording will be provided if you can’t make it live.