I have been thinking a lot about inner journeys. Ultimately, self-healing is an inner journey, one that you get to take over and over again. You don’t wake up one day and you are done healing. In fact for me it often goes like this:

  • I wake up. Despite nine hours of sleep, I haven’t rested. I feel some sort of discomfort, unease, or anxiety already brewing and stirring in me.
  • I get myself downstairs to drink water or have a bite while I feed my cat and daughter at the same time.
  • Before I work, I stop. I pay attention. I ask myself what I need. Some days I sit in meditation. Other days I do EFT Tapping. Mostly, I just listen to a Monthly Energy Tune-Up from the , where I know I will be held in unconditional love. I either sit in seated meditation or curl up in a fetal position in my bed (depending on the kind of day) while I listen. If I don’t have 30 minutes, I listen to the 5 Minutes of Meeting Your Energetic Needs Mini Energy Tune Up. I get calm, my tension dissolves in small waves. I can breathe again. I listen for inner guidance. I ask for the next small step. I hear the soul of life cheering me on. I am ready to take on the day.
  • I can finally get to work, write, share, feel, and heal others, and support my family’s and my physical, emotional, and energetic needs. Then I feel depleted again.
  • Then I pause and ask myself what I need again…

So the cycle continues. There is no end. The healing is constant. I breathe, I notice, I love and I adjust my energy and outlook, and I keep breathing.

I know that every little bit of self-healing I can do will be helpful. I know that it matters that I take the time to calm down the roaring waves of my nervous system. I know that even if it doesn’t feel like I am making a huge jump, having a great aha moment, or I may or may not feel good again the next morning, my healing adds up drop by drop and I am progressing in a pattern.

This is all that I ask of myself these days: pay attention, make time for self-healing, and keep making progress small bit by small bit.

This is all that you need to do to start to heal: pause, breathe, notice, and love. There is no destination, only the journey of learning to hold yourself in more and more tenderness every time you need to be held.

If you would like to be held in love while you breathe and listen within, check out the .

With love, light, and deep gratitude,


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