Crystal Healing

The Biggest Benefit Of Crystal Healing & Why Crystal Healing Is Safe

In this video, I am explaining the biggest benefit of crystal healing, why I consider crystal healing safe, and what crystals can learn from us and what we can learn from them.

Find out more about crystal healing and access monthly crystal healing sessions at the Chakra Bliss Vault Crystal Healing Membership.

What To Do With Broken Crystals

What if one of your crystals breaks? Here are a few ideas on how you can still co-create with your crystal:

  • Sprinkle the pieces around the outside of your house with the intention of protection.
  • Display them in a sacred corner of your house (make sure they can’t be reached by kids or pets) or on windowsills
  • Place them outside of the Feng Shui wealth corner of your house to amplify its energy (top left corner of the house when your back is against the front door).
  • Place them in your plant pots or outside where your plants grow.
  • Create a fairy house outside or in a pot and place them there.
  • Place them in a little fabric pouch for safety and add them to your bath.
  • I have also seen people pulverize their broken crystals and paint with them just like you would paint with water colors. Some crystal stores actually sell these powders.

Whatever you do, please treat them with the same love and respect that you would a whole crystal. Just because their outside appearance changes, it doesn’t mean that their essence and healing capacity does.

To learn more about how and why crystals work and to start and deepen your crystal healing practice, check out my online course .

With love and light,


Crystal Healing Myths Explained

This week I shared a 5-part video series on crystal healing myths. I’ve covered a whole array of crystal healing concepts that don’t make sense to me any more. You’ll find answers to the following questions and more when you watch:

  • How is crystal healing magic created?
  • What crystal or crystals do I need for specific purposes?
  • Can crystal healing solve all my problems and cure all my ailments?
  • How many crystals do I need?
  • How large of a crystal should I get?
  • Do I need to know all about crystals to experience crystal healing magic?

Disclaimer: My answers may surprise you.


If you haven’t done so yet, I encourage you to take this fun quiz to discover your crystal healing personality. At the end of the quiz, I have some recommendations on how you can deepen your crystal healing experience whether you are a beginner, somewhere in the middle or a full-on crystal enthusiast!


Crystal Healing Simplified is an online course that is the cultivation of my personal healing practice as well as healing hundreds of people one on one and in group healings since 2012. This course demystifies what crystal healing is and isn’t, and gives you a roadmap on how to clear, care for, activate and partner and co-create with your crystals.

P. S. I will be sharing an amazing offer with you in the new year. Stay tuned!


Pregnant Elephant

A few weeks ago I woke up with the words ‘pregnant elephant’ echoing in my head, my dream guidance had spoken. Up until that point, I knew close to nothing about elephants and their pregnancy. When I looked it up I found out that elephants have the longest pregnancy of any mammal with 95 weeks or 22 months of gestation, which means almost two years of being pregnant. 

At the time I was deliberating my next creative project with all signs leading me to the Crystal Healing course I have as a draft, a draft that I started about two years ago. I have all the meditations written, some already recorded, a draft outline crafted, tons of notes scribbled in papers and online after hours of self-practice, meditation, and hundreds of group and individual clients that I have had the blessing to work with since 2012. Thousands of hours already spent on crystal healing yet it is just now that I feel that I can begin to cover what crystals are, how they work, and what they can do for you. 

I can only imagine how it might feel to be pregnant for two years. I do know how it feels to have a soul project in you for that long or even longer. While a part of me wants to get things done, I am pulled by my body and soul to take it slow, breathe with it, savor the process and do it justice. My time for creativity is limited these days, limited by not just my own needs but the needs of my family, my clients, and the weight of simply breathing through these times we live in. Yet something in me brings me back to this door that I cracked open, I am in the process of opening it wider and letting the light in a little bit more every single day. 

The course that needs to be created is whispering her name to me (Crystal Healing Simplified), and how she would like to look, how she would like to communicate with you, and all the things she has to say to you. It takes time to listen, so I am taking the time, for as long as it takes.

What is your soul whispering to you? What are you pregnant with? What wants and needs to be born out of you as words, thoughts, or things you make? Hope you take the time to listen closely.

With love and light,


P. S. I would love to know what you would love to learn more about crystals and crystal healing. Let me know!

Chakra Alignment

This video is all about alignment in life with regards to chakra philosophy. What does it mean to have aligned chakras? How do you know when they fall out of alignment? Most importantly, what does it all mean for you? Why should you care about alignment? Regardless of where you are in life, you need to understand what it means to be aligned, to be able to live a more fulfilled and embodied life. In this video, I am sharing questions to ask yourself for each chakra to figure out whether you have alignment. Please comment with any questions you might have and to let me know of your alignment answers. Please also let me know if there is anything you would like me to cover in a live video.

What can you do to get back into alignment? Start with
downloading the “11 Questions to Determine Your Energetic Wounds”

With love and light,


Dancing with My Sadness

One of those mornings. I wake up several times at night. A web of dreams. Woke up with my left side, from my neck to the inner left shoulder blade, tight and stuck with a searing pain. As I move, tears follow. This is different, this isn’t just a ‘I slept on a wrong angle’ kind of pain, this is ‘listen to me I’m trying to tell you something’ kind of pain.

So I listen. I lie down with my crystals on my chakras. I invite light to shine into my energy vortices one by one. The sadness shape-shifts, this isn’t something new, this is my old friend of feeling helpless and trapped. I see myself as a teenager, so full of passion, and so angry at being said no to and not having any control over my time and choices. The good thing is I am not a teenager any more, the challenging thing is this feeling is between me and my arriving to this moment fully. So the inquiry continues, right in my belly I see my cells desperately wanting to control everything. So exhausting. What if they can let all that go. So I ask, and they let the light in. A sigh of relief, my body melts. I continue to scan my body chakra by chakra, letting the energy of the crystals in, and believing that I can let go of this illusion of control, and so it is. My eased body joins my family to have some breakfast.

As I go about having breakfast, making tea and chatting with my daughter and husband, the sadness returns. Like a lost puppy, it is still trying to teach me something. The real work is right here, right at my breakfast table. It is knowing that no one did this to me, no one is to blame, it is a pattern, a condition, a conditioning, coming by to say hi. And I have no right to lash out to my child or husband or myself or anyone in my life. But I do have a responsibility to tend to this searing pain, this aching sadness.

I go back to solitude to be with it, and this time to dance with it. I choose a soothing rhythmic song. I start to move slowly, with no words, with a lot of tenderness and gentleness. I can clearly feel the start and the end of my pain, all the tightness, and with my inquiry I know that some of my deepest fears are behind it: feeling helpless, not being able to do anything I want and need to do, and losing my connection to the flow of life. My movements progress. I am not trying to understand anything. I am simply being there for this expression of life. I move, my pain moves, sometimes expanding, sometimes softening. Soon, my inner voice adds a mantra to my dance ‘Om Shanti Om’. My movements get bigger and stronger.

Suddenly I am reminded that I don’t have to carry it all by myself. I can rely on the vibration of ‘Om Shanti Om’ chanted by millions of others through millenia, I can rely on my ancestors, the invisible helpers in my DNA, and ask them to carry this fear with me, I can ask the light in the universe to give me a helping hand. My movements are not mine any more, the life and light are dancing me. I move and I am lifted at the same time.

And something magical happens: no more pain. My neck is free, my muscles no longer aching. I dance with a newly found connection to life and joy. Still chanting, releasing and allowing life to move in me, through me, with me. I hold my heart, my movements slow down, I truly feel the vibration that is carrying me through it: ‘Om Shanti Om’. I offer it all to the light, vibration, and the unique expression of life that we all are.

The strong neck and shoulder pain I woke up with disappears in the face of an honest inquiry with the help of crystals, mantra and dance. When you show up with the intention of a fully engaged presence, and a loving willingness to be with what is, and use the tools available to you, your feelings, sensations and pain open up to you and share their secrets with you. You open up to the possibility of ease, joy, freedom and lightness.

Sign up for Chakra Bliss Group Healing to show up for what needs to be listened to.
Sign up for Mantra Dance to show up for what needs to be danced with.
All dates and sign up info are here

With love and light,


What Your Chakras Are Telling Me


I don’t even need to see you. I think of you and your chakra states appear in my mind: 

  • 1, 2, 3 blocked (not moving at all) and the rest depleted (slow moving)
  • all blocked
  • beyond blocked (a really constricted energy field)
  • all open (healthy rotating chakras)
  • beyond open (expanded field)
  • 1, 2, 3 depleted, rest are open

Your chakras are rotating vortices that turn, turn, turn. The word chakra means a turning wheel. They rotate to create vacuum at the center which then sucks in the life energy around you into your system, which is then distributed throughout your body and field. They also create mini-magnetic fields which add up to your personal energy area/field. There are many many many chakras in your body. When I say 1, 2, 3 and the rest, I am talking about the seven main chakras, which have the largest vortices in your field. Without going into more detail, let’s just say that 1, 2, 3 are located below your diaphragm, and the rest are between your heart (4) and crown (7). In general 1, 2, 3 deal with worldly survival concerns, and heart and above deals with spiritual and personal development concerns. 

When I read people’s chakras, I see where they are in life. 

1, 2, 3 blocked rest depleted tells me that this person is on purpose choosing not to see something that they need to see and address to heal. This is the mom who pushes through to get things done, not taking a moment to reflect on her life because she feels overwhelmed and powerless. This is the grandma who accepted life and her involvement in it to be a certain way and is not willing to change even if change would open her up to new possibilities (which is scary). This is the dad who pushes through his career not out of joy but from a place of obligation.

Then there is all blocked. It tells me that you have been continuing on without taking a break to the point of physical and emotional exhaustion. You have been feeling mostly uncomfortable with a feeling of weight, solutions and life don’t come easily, you feel like you are in a fog. That ongoing cold will take you there. But it is more than that. You feel stuck in the cycles and patterns of your life and you are not sure what to change or how. Mostly, you get here when you don’t listen in to the signals of your body and the universe, and don’t address why you got into a constricted energy position in the first place. 

Beyond blocked tells me that you had a major trauma in your past or you are going through a major change or shift in your life (loss, divorce, surgery, etc). This is a state of extreme stuckness and numbness in the body. Illness can present itself or it already is present. Unable to deal with inner and outer darkness and shadow. Prone to blaming others. Not able to properly take care of oneself.

All open. All is good in your world. You are where you need to be to fulfill your life purpose. You are in the moment. You enjoy life. This tells me that this person knows who they are in life and they are ok with it. They’ve made peace with what is. Most Chakra Bliss Group Healing participants experience this state during and after the healing. Believe it or not, you don’t need alcohol, pills, food, or money to get to this state. Take a look at your playing children, they mostly exist in this state of openness and presence.

Beyond open. Most healers, shamans, lightworkers and artists exist here. This is the state of expanding your energy field to create healing space for others. All who are called to heal humanity with the way they are and with what they say, think, do and create, know how to get to this expanded place. 

1, 2, 3 depleted rest are open. This is one of my favorite states. These are usually the people who know how to regulate and reclaim their energy. Most of the time, they are all open. But when the earthly concerns weigh them down (safety, money, relationships, politics, etc), they pause and bring themselves to a more open place by focusing on the now, focusing on their breath. These are the people who know how to heal their energy states and if they choose to, they become great teachers and healers for others. My main goal in my consults, workshops and trainings is to give people this capability to be with whatever life presents at any given moment. Your field then takes care of its own healing.

Remember that this is a generalized outlook. Of course there a lot of other chakra reading possibilities, and the same chakra states may mean different things for different people depending on where/how the energetic disturbance originated and where they are in their life journey.

However in general, energy disturbances have two simple origins:

  • You are stuck in an energy pattern (they way you see, relate to and interact with your reality)
  • You are sending away your energy to where it doesn’t need to go

These two have two really simple looking resolutions:

  • Using your intuition to figure out where you are stuck (and how to get out of it)
  • Training yourself to reclaim your energy in the NOW

If you are wondering where you are energetically right now, come to a Chakra Bliss Healing. You will find out what your current chakra states are and receive a soul message related to each chakra/life area to bring healing and balance to your life.

If you would like to experience what open chakras feel like, come to my next Chakra Bliss Group Healing or join as a distance participant. This will show you exactly what it feels like to have healthy chakras and give you a starting point.

If you would like to learn how to read the signs of your body and the universe to be able to take action BEFORE you are blocked, take my online course A Drop Of Om On Intuition. I am teaching a special way of listening to your body intuitively in the course, it is called Whole Body Listening Meditation. You will also receive specific tools to take heart and soul guided actions. It is all about you discovering your own unique intuition style to be able to start communicating with your inner wisdom. The first module of the course is available for free here. The full course is $50 until the end of December (It’ll be $100 afterwards). Click here to begin to listen into your inner wisdom.

If you would like to reclaim your power and energy and go beyond your existing stuckness, stay tuned. I am working on a soul-project to get you there. In the meantime, please reply back and tell me where you feel most stuck in life and where you think your energy is sucked into on a daily basis. And if you need immediate help, consider working with me in a one-on-one Consult to answer your soul’s needs.

With love and light,

Damla Aktekin

Who You Are


When I read somebody’s chakra state and communicate it to them, there’s often a hesitation in receiving the information. Having a blocked chakra somehow is taken as yet another life arena that we fail to measure up to a standard. Yet it is only an indication of where you are in life, not who you are.

Who you are cannot be measured. Who you are is pure love and light. Where you are however, continually changes and shifts according to the life lessons you are working on right now.

So blocked or depleted chakras tell me that you are going through something, probably with all the grace you can muster. And I bow to you with all my heart. Because we all go through big and small life lessons, and where you are doesn’t show me who you are, it just shows me you are being the best you can be at this moment in your life’s journey and with each positive step, life and your energy field are waiting to open up new doors for you.

With love and light,
