
Private Sessions Explained

In this video, I am explaining what to expect in my private healing sessions. When people hear the word ‘healing’ they assume that it will be a silent meditative experience. While I do offer that for certain circumstances and in other formats (explained in the video), my one-on-one process as a healer is a collaborative, co-creative, interactive one where my main job is to guide and coach you in getting in touch with and healing your energetic wounds.



I Am Learning

I am learning that my healing is not a destination, it is a journey worth taking a million times over.

I am learning that everything has its own timing.

I am learning that my body is a sacred divine partner of my soul.

I am learning how hard it is to let go of fear and to trust that all that is happening in me and to me is happening for me.

I am learning to choose love over forcing and controlling.

I am learning that although my mind feels like a minefield sometimes, it is OK to feel into what I feel and allow life to flow.

I am learning that I can’t fly before I walk.

I am learning patience, trust, and surrendering over and over and over again.

I am learning that even though sometimes I feel like I walk alone, my ancestors are behind me, my soul tribe is right next to me, and an awakened young life is before me, in all I do I am never alone.

I am learning that silence helps me process and talking lets me alchemize.

I am learning that what I thought were wounds are gifts from the universe to make me fall deeper in love with all there is and all there ever will be.

I am learning that when I heal my wounds I am healing all of us.

I am learning that at the end of unfolding each and every wound is a pocket of love so immense it tears your heart wide open and shines your soul out into the multiverse.

If you need help with healing your energetic wounds, I am here to help.

With love and light,


Why do you need regular energy clearing and maintenance?

In this video, I am explaining why you need regular energy clearing and maintenance.

Why do you need regular energy clearing and maintenance? Because you are a changing and evolving soup of energy who lives in a soup of energy. It is natural for our systems to go out of tune and coherence through our daily lives. Just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower, your energy system needs daily clearing and maintenance.

I am offering energy clearing through Monthly and Mini Energy Tune-Ups in the Chakra Bliss Vault Membership. These are like vacuuming your house for daily maintenance. It feels good and fresh afterwards.

Monthly Focused Healings go deeper than that and help you open the cupboards (chakras, energetic wounds, stuck places in you) you haven’t looked at and tended to in a while. The focused healings help you take out what is not needed, organize what stays, and bring light and expansion to ALL parts of your home (aka your being).

All of this and more is available at the Chakra Bliss Vault Energy Healing Membership.


The Weight Of The Pandemic

You are here. You are surviving a global pandemic. It is heavy. It is really hard.

You are operating in a new normal. Brain fog, not being able to focus, not feeling 100% present, depression, sadness, anger, worry, and fear are here in varying degrees and getting louder every time you turn on the news. It is not just what is happening today. Everything you haven’t had a chance to deal with and heal is coming up to the surface. You feel like you have used up all your energetic reserves already. You are running on empty, pushing through each day, and missing the way things were or could have been.

Here’s what I want you to know:

There is hope. There is love. Healing is within your reach.

You have a life spark in you that keeps your body breathing. You don’t need to know or do anything other than this: become a fierce protector of this spark of yours. It is your job to tend to this spark, preserve it, nurture it, and help it shine brighter.

I put together a loving and gentle energy healing container for you to do just that:

Chakra Bliss Vault Energy Healing Membership

Every month, I share three new healings to help you clear what may be in the way of shining your light. I am also sharing all my energy healing recording library in the Vault. The truth is, I created this container because I needed it. I have been feeling a strong need to be simply held in love ever since the pandemic started.

All the healings I share are silent crystal healing sessions with a soothing music. There is no guided meditation, no instruction other than simply being and allowing your spark to get brighter.

This is your chance to begin to process the collective trauma of the pandemic by letting yourself be held in love and and begin to tend to your energetic wounds that the pandemic has awakened in you.


With love, light, and gratitude,



I reached out to my friends last week as the weight of the pandemic hit me once again. I found myself longing for a face to face conversation, a long hug, a real outing at my favorite cafe, being able to travel, and seeing my family in Turkey safely. I have been having people over in my house in my dream one night and meeting with my girlfriends to enjoy their company and have a long chat the other. I reached out to one of my girlfriends who appeared in my dream and found out that she was having a heck of a day too. Then something miraculous happened. Another girlfriend texted me and said ‘Damla, are you okay? I saw you in my dream last night’. And I started to cry, I let it all out. All the weight, grief, longing, sadness for what could not be and could have been. I tapped and cried. The weight in my body and my heart disappeared.

I see miracles here and there everyday, in my daughter’s smile, in my clients’ healing and relief, or in the song of the birds. However, It was truly special to realize that there is a dream network that connects us to each other, no matter how far apart we may seem. I know that we will go through this and live our lives with meaning.

If the pandemic is getting to you, you are not alone. Make time to feel and release your feelings. If you need help with that reach out to me. I am here for you as a healer and coach.

With love and light,


The Gifts Of My Ancestors

I take my healing work seriously, both for myself and everyone that I work with. Here’s why.

I grew up in Turkey. When I was younger my parents, both high school teachers, would pack me and my brother in the summer to go work in my grandparents’ farm in a small village in the Northwest of Turkey. The village didn’t have running water. I remember going to the fountain at the center of the village and carrying back gallons and gallons of water to the house with my cousins, mom and aunts. The house didn’t have central heating. In the winter when we visited, we would all sit around in a tiny room heated by a big stove. The house didn’t have a septic system either. There was a little room outside with a hole on the ground that always reeked. The electricity would go off often and at nights we would sit with candlelight around the dinner table.

My mom had to leave her village when she was very young. She went to a boarding school for middle school, high school and then college since there was only an elementary school in the village. It was similar for my father who came from a small village in the South of Turkey. They both became high school teachers living on a budget. I remember my mom washing our clothes by hand since we couldn’t afford a washing machine. She would also sew or knit most of our clothing while I grew up.

I remember my parents, aunts and grandparents telling stories about their parents and grandparents. My mom’s grandparents were forced to migrate to Turkey from Bulgaria and Greece due to their religious and ethnic background. My mom’s grandfather was a war hero. There’s an old newspaper article that mentions him carrying a huge bomb away to save the village. They would talk about the people and homes that were lost while migrating. They would talk about wars and how hard they were, how scarce food had been. They would talk about my mom’s grandmother, how resilient and resourceful she was in the midst of all this and how much of an influential voice and authority she had in the family.

When I look at where I am, living in a beautiful and comfortable house in New England in the US, doing my soul work, surrounded by people, technology and opportunities for growth and creativity, I bow to my blood line in deep infinite gratitude. The name of my grandparents’ village was ‘Armağan’ which means ‘gift’ in Turkish. It is such a gift that I got to see and live in my grandparents’ village. It is such a gift that I got to hear their stories. It is such a gift that they have shown me that even with trauma, migration, wars, unthinkable tragedy, very little resources, and narrow odds, it is possible to make a good and honest life you can be proud of.

Every time I heal myself, I know I heal them too, because they continue to live in me and through me through my blood.

Every time I heal someone, I can’t help but heal all of us, because we are all one big family.

I invite you to make your energy healing a big priority, not just for you, but for everyone in your family. I am here if you need me.

With love, light, and gratitude,


P. S.  Join me and other amazing speakers on the Ancestral Healing Summit on February 22nd to 26th. It is a wonderful opportunity to discover what ancestral healing is for you. GET YOUR FREE TICKET HERE

How and Why Distance and Recorded Healings Work

In this video, I am explaining how and why distance and recorded healing sessions work.

One thing I didn’t mention in it is the resonance that happens during a healing. I intentionally put myself in a deep healing meditation and just through your intention to join me you also get into the same state which is deeply nourishing and healing.

You can find out more about the Chakra Bliss Vault Energy Healing Membership and become a member here.


Whatever Is Is Enough

Whatever is is enough.

Wherever you are in your life, work, healing is enough.

Whatever you do is enough.

Whoever you are right now is enough.

However you choose to live, heal, love, progress is enough.

How often you take time to listen to your needs is enough.

All of you is enough.

With love and light,


Being Held In Love

Healing will take as long as it takes. In the meantime you’ll drink your tea, take your vitamins, take care of the life that is here in you and for you. You’ll keep choosing life despite everything that tells you otherwise. You’ll hug your wounds, prioritize your day, and finally get help for healing. You’ll start over and over every single day even though you are tired and exhausted. You’ll listen to your body, your inner child, your ancestors. You’ll connect with your people. You’ll make up beautiful rose shaded glasses to filter the ugliness of the world and see only beauty, forgiveness and love. This is the journey of healing every single day. You were born to do this.

I have been on a healing journey these last few weeks. Physical pain brings clarity to what really matters. Not Covid, throat and ear infection. My body and I are collaborating. Suddenly I only do what matters the most and leave the rest. That is the gift.

I am also realizing that in moments like this I don’t need or want to work on myself. I just need and want to be held in pure love. I want to know that I am supported completely and feel deep in my pores what it feels to be bathed in love. I do this through coming back to my crystal healing and meditations. I am reminded every single time the power of my intention and the healing magic of setting aside time to shift my energy.

Here are two new beautiful healing opportunities for you:

$35/person one hour-long focused healing session that is all about clearing the energetic effects of shots. This session is ONLY available to purchase until January 30th.


$33/month energy healing membership which includes the monthly focused healing and a lot more, and will give you all you need to clear, ground, transform, expand, and nourish your energy system.

With love and light,
