
Your Vibrational Reality

In this video, I am talking about what your vibrational reality is and how and why you need tools, practices and the occasional help to tend to your vibration.

Learn more about my online course Tending To Your Needs. Tending To Your Needs is an online course to set the foundation for your healing and help you to recognize, name, prioritize and meet your needs with or without help. It is all about learning more about your needs and how to make them a priority. You will learn a variety of tools and practices to be able to address your vibrational needs as they arise.

This course is open for enrollment ONLY THE NEXT SEVEN DAYS until February 20, 2020 ​with introductory pricing of $97.

It will never be offered at this price again.

Learn more about all my online courses

Find out more about working with me privately

Your Needs Are Calling

Tending To Your Needs Online Course

When is the last time you gave yourself the gift of paying attention to your needs?

How can you tend to your vibrational needs that you don’t have a way to put into words?

When you don’t care for your needs, what are you missing out?

How can you get the support of the universe and your ancestors for tending to your needs?

What can you do to release the resistance between you and prioritizing your needs?

I have been working with all these questions, tumbling with them, dreaming, receiving guidance, and looking for ways to answer them. Through these inquiries I have developed an online course that I believe answers all these questions and makes tools that address all layers of your needs readily available at your fingertips.

Tending To Your Needs is an online course to set the foundation for your healing and help you to recognize, name, prioritize and meet your needs with or without help. I want to help you learn more about how your needs work, what their layers are and how to make them a priority.

When you don’t pay attention to yourself your needs just get louder and more painful to embody. The problem is we don’t have a good understanding of what a need is. Satisfying a need is not the same as self-care. You can actually survive without self-care but you can’t survive or thrive without satisfying your needs. Needs are requirements to live a purposeful and vibrant life.

I have discovered that your needs have layers. Within the needs of the moment are also the needs of the two year old in you, and the needs of your ancestors who went through trauma, loss and migration. Unless you bring a loving attention to all layers of your being, no amount of drinking green juices, walking in nature or taking yoga classes will help you feel better.

You may not be aware that you have needs. We are not taught the language and the ecology of our needs and that we are allowed to have needs. This course is designed to teach you how needs work and how your needs can co-exist with the needs of others in your life

You may be aware of your needs but you are not sure how to satisfy them or how to get past your resistance. You don’t know where to start to prioritize your needs. This course is definitely for you.

You may know about your needs and you may have a few tools to work with them but they don’t always work and you feel like something is missing. You are open to a deeper understanding of your needs and a deeper connection with yourself. This course is the missing link you have been looking for.

I am opening the doors to this course until February 20th, 2020. I decided to offer it at $97 introductory pricing. All the course content is worth over $300. It will never be at this price point again and I have no idea when I will be able to launch it again. The course has five modules (over 3.5 hours of videos) and 8 guided and EFT Tapping meditations (over 4 hours of audio).

When I look at what needs to happen to effectively heal energetic wounds, a clear understanding of how to tend to the layers of your needs comes out as the first step. This is the culmination of all my personal, one-on-one and group healing work. I truly believe that tending to your needs is the first step to begin to heal your energetic wounds. I am a believer in self-healing and this course is designed to empower you to make your needs a priority at your own timing and with effective tools.



Tending To Your Needs Online Course

Photo Credit: the lovely Eye Sugar Photography

Epsom Salt Bath Favorites

Epsom salt baths are a wonderful way to not just relax your body but also help integrate any healing work you may have done. I often recommend my clients to take the time for a salt bath right after a healing session. Here’s why:

  • Being in saltwater deeply relaxes your nervous system. Being in saltwater is a lot like being in the womb, you get to be held and deeply cared for. Our bodies innately know this feeling and love when we are able to reproduce it intentionally.
  • Epsom salts help pull impurities out of your system and deeply nourish you. Magnesium and sulfate ions seep in through your pores and deeply nourish your body. Epsom salts also help you release any energetic particles you need to release.
  • Being deeply relaxed enhances your system’s (body+energy field) ability to move through the transformation of receiving energy healing. It helps your body redistribute, digest and absorb any new energy you received while releasing what needs to go and catalyzing the transformation that is already happening.

Here’s how I recommend you to prepare your salt bath:

  • If you have a bathtub, fill it with lukewarm water to your comfort level. Add at least 2 cups of Epsom salt. People usually assume that just a little bit of salt would be enough, you need at least 1 lb. of salt to feel the benefits.
  • If you have a foot wash container, fill it with lukewarm water and add at least 1/2 cups of Epsom salt. While I definitely prefer a bath, I find that a foot bath can be just as effective and relaxing if you are short on time or don’t have a bathtub.

I recommend using an earplug to avoid ear infections and buying your salts in bulk. You can see some of my salt bath favorites below. You can also add a few drops of essential oils into your bath if you would like a scent element but you don’t have to. You can also consider adding your favorite crystals into the saltwater to increase the healing powers of the bath. Here are some of my crystal recommendations.

Once you are in the bath, you can listen to your favorite guided meditation or relax with some soothing music. Check out my salt bath playlist for inspiration.

Stay in the bath as long as you are comfortable, at least 15 minutes or longer. Gift this time of deep relaxation and rejuvenation to yourself if possible weekly or whenever you can.

With love and light,


Welcoming The New Year

There is a lot we expect from ourselves in a new year. How about instead of expectations or demands, you shift your focus to excitement and anticipation. Here are some intentions you can plant in your heart to open up to what the new year is able to bring to you:

  • I am open to all that the new year will bring into my life including all the waves I’ll need to ride. My life is a bountiful journey full of feelings, sensations, experiences and I take great joy in being with what is.
  • My life is a continuous flow. I don’t end or begin. With each breath, I am here. With each breath, I am taking things one step at a time.
  • Starting new things that ignite my soul comes easily to me. I dwell in the joy of possibility. I am constantly inviting new ways of being, becoming and creating into my life. Life flows through me as it delights, excites and enlightens me.
  • Becoming hopeful is worth it. Creating beauty and kindness is worth it. Being in love is worth it. This life thing, no matter what, is worth it.
  • I am wholeheartedly nonattached to what happens next as long as I keep staying open to all the things that bring light to my heart and soul. With an unwavering dedication to my light, I inspire others to light up and be brighter than they thought they could be.

Wishing you a beautiful, new, delightful, crisp, exciting, fun, laughter-filled, ecstatic year.

With love and light,


Ceramic art by MB Art Studios hosted by Main Street Makery

Name What You Need

Name What You Need

I want to know what you need the most to heal, to feel better, to thrive in your life.
What parts of your life need healing the most?
How can I better help you connect with the life in and around you?
Your needs matter, you matter.

I am deeply interested in figuring out how I can better serve you. Here’s is a brief survey all about you. Your answers will help me gear my services to meet your needs. You will need less than 15 minutes to complete this survey. You will receive a 30% off coupon for any of my single private sessions (not valid for packages, valid until Jan 22) when you complete this survey by January 15, 2020.


Thank you very much for your time and honesty!

With love and light,
Damla Aktekin

Here and Now

Here and now is your only chance to be alive. This particular moment, this particular breath. All it takes is fiercely loving it with your eyes open. Embracing its every single molecule, sound, sight, smell, sensation, and emotion. Opening yourself up to it, and then doing the same again and again.

Here and now is an invitation. You get to choose how you live it. You get to choose every single time, every single moment.

Here and now gets you closer to all life. When you embrace your ‘now’, you are embracing all there is, with compassion.

Let’s be here, right now. If you have trouble being here and staying present, reach out to me and let’s figure out together what energetic wounds might be between you and unconditional pure presence.

With love and light,



Meet My Guru

A Drop Of Om

This is my 7 year old daughter, also known as my guru. Yesterday we were talking about Thanksgiving. I told her I was looking forward to being invited to a friend’s home and that I really didn’t enjoy cooking and hosting it. She looked at me and said ‘Mom, you need to say that differently. You are closing yourself up to the possibility that you might enjoy it when you host’ and I looked at her thinking ‘Which alien planet do you come from and how did you manage to come to Earth through my body and turn into a living, breathing, talking small person with opinions and teachings?’ ?

I am humbled everyday by the amount of practice, learning, transformation and digestion that needs and continues to happen in my own life. I am so grateful for the opportunities for growing and evolving every single day including nudges from divine beings (like my daughter and cat) that I live with.

What are you learning today? What is making you feel humble? How has 2019 been for you? What have you learned that brought you to your knees? What do you want to take with you to 2020 and what do you want to leave behind?

As a thank you for your continuing support and loving presence, I am hosting a completely free year-end clearing meditation and healing on December 22, you can join in live or download the recording. Make sure to register below to receive the connection details.

With love and lots of gratitude,


Clear 2019 and Energize 2020


The Few Steps Ahead

Today as I closed my eyes and surrendered in child’s pose to life and all that I don’t know, I saw the image of a person walking down a path in a beautiful forest. It just so happens that the person is climbing up a small hill and looking down at their feet to make sure they don’t trip. They don’t see what is a few steps ahead of them over the hill, they just see the immediate few steps they are about to take.

So often as we move through life, our gaze is at our immediate hurdles that we are trying to navigate and we don’t look up to see what lies ahead and even if we do, the steps further down the road may be blocked for us to see.

What I got from this is keep going even when the path doesn’t give you immediate results. Keep taking one step after the other and keep breathing and believing that you are going in the right direction. The few steps ahead of you are all you ever need to take action on. In the meantime, don’t forget to look up to take in and breathe with the scenery and the beauty that already surrounds you.

With love,

Obstacles To Self-Love

In this video, I am talking about self-love and how working with obstacles to self-love can be a wonderful healing tool. In my private sessions, I often run into issues of self-love. We often mistake the kind of interaction we had with our caregivers as love. Some of us have been ignored, so we ignore ourselves. Some of us have been hurt, so we hurt ourselves.

Self-love is the truth that remains when we peel away the trauma, sadness, anger, stories and programming to repeat what we thought was love. I am offering an online Biofield Tuning session to give you some energetic support in retrieving and releasing some of these patterns. I hope you make this investment to join this online group healing. A recording will be available for those who cannot join live.

What Is The Inner Child?

In this video, I am diving into what I mean when I say ‘Inner Child’ as a healer. There is a lot to know and understand when it comes to the inner child. Relating to your inner child is one of the most effective and powerful tools you have in healing your energetic wounds. I am explaining some of the ways that your inner children may try to communicate with you and how you can begin to connect with them.

Here are the references I mentioned about the ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Study.

  • A brief article that summarizes the ACE Study results and gives a sample ACE survey you can take.
  • A wonderful book that explains the ACE Study and dives deep into explaining how childhood wounding can affect our health and life as an adult.

I am running a one day retreat in Massachusetts where we will dive deep into connecting with our inner children. We will practice gentle intentional movement to awaken our inner children who are ready to talk to us. We will work with sacred inquiries and energy healing to begin to tend to our inner child wounding. I hope you can join this beautiful soul retreat.